Special Needs

Everyone at Birklands Primary School is committed to meeting the needs of all pupils (including those with SEND) to ensure they feel safe, happy, part of a team, and are supported to make the best possible progress.

Scroll down for information about SEN school documents, and useful resources, websites and guides for pupils and parents.

SEN Documents

Click on the link to read the:


SEND & Inclusion Policy

Accessibility Plan for Disabled Pupils

Equality Objectives

Useful Resources

Healthy Family Teams

Click on the poster above for QR for various websites from the Nottinghamshire Health Care team about keeping you and your family healthy.

Cuppa and a chat!

Every other Wednesday, Sunshine Support hold an informal zoom meeting for parents and carers who are wanting "support, validation and guidance from people who get it." The meetings are held on zoom at 7pm, and are free to attend. You can click here to book a place.

Sunshine Support

There are a range of useful webinars on a wide variety of topics/aspects relating to SEND available to parents and carers on the Sunshine Support (the team that holds the 'cuppa&chat' meetings) website here.

Bridge the Gap- Fantastic Free resources to download!

Bridge the gap are dedicated to improving the health of children, parents and teachers. They have a variety of amazing reources to support children and young people with a range of topics, including:

Amazing guides for parents/ carers about:

Understanding your child's behaviour

A solihull Approach group for parents and carers - Sherwood Area Partnership - Information for Parents

For a link to information for parents about Solihull click: YouTube

Local Offer

The SEND Local Offer aims to bring together helpful and useful information for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and their families. It is a comprehensive guide to services and support all in one place. Please watch the video to find out more.

Anna Freud National Centre for Children's & Families

This is a mental-health charity for children and families. There are lots of useful resources including:

The IRIS Magazine

IRIS is a one-stop shop offering information, advice and support to parents and carers of children and young people with disabilities based in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Useful Websites

  • Local Offer: this is a useful resource for parents/ carers to understand the services and provision available in the local area for children and young people with SEND.
  • Twinkl Resources for parents: this link takes you to a range of activities, ideas and resources to support healthy living, life skills, routines, behaviour management and wellbeing.
  • The Learner's Trust: this website takes you to a range of fantastic resources, activities and information to support children and young people with different needs and difficulties.
  • Bridge the Gap: this website includes lots of information about supporting social, emotional and mental health needs including guides, videos, child-friendly resources and activities.
  • Ask us Nottinghamshire: Ask Us Nottinghamshire can offer support around education issues to SEND young people aged 16-25 and parents of younger children with SEND.
  • Family Action: Family Action’s Children & Families Services work with children, young people, parents, carers and the wider family network to ensure the family is able to realise its full potential.
  • UK Trauma Council: This page contains information and advice for young people about traumatic bereavement and what might help if you are worried about yourself or someone else.
  • AFASIC: Unlocking Speech & Language
  • British Deaf Association: Family Sign at Home: This is an amazing website that shows lots of sign videos for different categories such as: daily routine, emotions, food & weather.
  • SCOPE: Equality for Disabled People

Videos to support social, emotional and mental health:

Videos to support physical development:

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