Welcome to Wren Class

​Welcome to Wren Class

We are the Nursery class who love to spend our days together busily learning through play.

Our Daily Routine

We welcome children in at 8:40 for the beginning of our morning session, we ask the children to wave good bye at our classroom door and go to hang up their possessions on their pegs independently where possible. We would love to encourage open communication with staff in the morning to give us any information about the children that may help us to support them through the day.

When the children come in they will have a morning task waiting for them on the carpet that they can do independently whilst we greet all of our friends. After register time we will begin our daily activities.

Children will take part in Phonics activities built into their daily learning, this may take the form of rhymes and songs, environmental sounds, voice sounds, rhyming, and percussion.

Children then have access to both indoor and outdoor provisions. We encourage independent learning through play, all adults interact with the children to help build communication skills and develop relationships with their peers. Our neutral classrooms include quality resources that we provided to help your child engage in meaningful activities.

Children have a healthy snack during both morning and afternoon sessions. During this time we find the children enjoy chatting with their friends and we take this opportunity to also promote good manners, and self-care and to share a story with the children.

Nursery children also take part in one short daily adult-led activity. During this time children are encouraged to develop a range of skills including physical development, maths, and personal, social, and emotional development. These activities are planned to meet the needs of the children and to support their continuing learning and development.

How we learn in Nursery

The Nursery curriculum is based on the 'Early Years Foundation Stage Framework' (EYFS) which covers 7 different areas of learning. These are:

  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Learning is play - based which means that on the whole, children choose activities that they would like to do and their learning is supported and extended by adults in the classroom, as part of their play. Learning also takes place in small groups or whole class sessions. See the Nursery timetable to see when independent and group learning takes place.

Session Times

Children can join our nursery from the term after their 3rd birthday. All 3 and 4 year old are entitled to 15 hours per week of free childcare during term time.

Our session times are:

08:40am - 11:40am Morning Session

11.50am - 3:00pm Afternoon Session (Drop off at 11:40)

We also offer places for children that receive 30 hours of funding, for more information about this please speak to Miss Kennerley or the School Office. Follow this link to check if you are eligible for the funding https://www.gov.uk/30-hours-free-childcare

Children who attend the Nursery during the morning can stay for the full day (8:40 - 3:00) at a cost of £10.00. If staying all day children are asked to bring a packed lunch or they can order a school dinner costing £2.50 per day.


At Birklands Primary School we expect all our pupils to wear appropriate school uniform.

The uniform consists of:

White Shirt or White / Burgundy polo shirt

Burgundy Cardigan / Sweatshirt or fleece

For girls:

black or grey skirts, trousers or dresses

red gingham summer dresses

For boys:

black or grey trousers

shorts in summer

Black shoes should be worn by all our pupils. No trainers allowed.

We expect all pupils to wear black shorts/grey/black joggers and a white/burgundy t-shirt for their PE lessons. If hair is long enough to be tied up it should be on PE days please.

Items of School Uniform with the Birklands logo are available from the school office. However, we will be phasing out selling uniform in school. When our current stock is gone, we will not be replacing it. Instead, uniform can be purchased here.

When earrings are worn in school, they must be small, round studs. No other jewellery is permitted.

Make up is not permitted. If your child chooses to wear nail varnish this should be a natural/neutral colour. False nails are not permitted.

Please also bear in mind that play in Nursery can be very messy! Whilst we take every opportunity to remind children to wear aprons to protect their clothes in play, sometimes children forget or the aprons do not protect every part of their clothes. As such it is recommended that the children keep spare clothes in a bag on their peg in case of any accidents, and we will happily change them in order to keep them clean and comfortable.

As we spend a lot of time outside we request that children come to school in a sensible outdoor coat/clothing appropriate for the weather conditions. As the weather is unpredictable we recommend that the children have a pair of wellies and a suitable coverall in a bag on their pegs so we can access our outdoor area whatever the weather. During the summer we ask that children are provided with sun cream and a sun hat to leave at school.

Wow Moments and Achievements

We love to share with you any achievements the children have made within the school as well as hearing about all the successes they achieve outside school.

We have 2 weekly awards that are presented in class. On a Friday we award our "Work Hard" and "Be Kind" certificates to the children. As a treat for their achievements they will also get to take home the class a stuffed animal, that we adopted at the beginning of the year) to have fun with at the weekend, and then return it on Monday for us to see what you have been up to.

We love to see all of your child's achievements, it could be anything from putting on their own coat, going to the toilet independently, learning to ride a bike, or learning to swim, every little step is an achievement that needs to be celebrated. Please feel free to share these on Tapestry, we will always congratulate and share these achievements in class with their friends.


Each half-term comes with its own special experiences and amazing opportunities for learning, some of these will involve asking parents to come in others may involve special visitors to enhance the children's learning

Some of these are in our Galleries section if you would like to see what we get up to!

Click here to go to our Galleries

July 2024


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