Visits & Visitors

Bulb Planting for the Community

At the end of November our key stage 2 children planted crocus bulbs in the local community. This is a national project to support the elimination of polio. The bulb planting is supported by the local rotary club.

CPR training

In October our Year 5 and Yer 6 children received CPR training via Leon's Legacy.

Poet Ian Bland at Birklands

On 29th January we spent the day with Ian Bland who is a professional poet. We wrote and performed our own poetry.

Young Voices at Sheffield Arena

The school choir had an amazing time performing in Young Voices at Sheffield Arena. It was a wonderful experience for all the children, performing in a concert at a real arena, with 5,000 other children and professional musicians.

Outreach with Nottingham University

Olympic Visit

PCSO and Warden

Lunch with our PCSO and Warden

February 2025


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