English work

Scroll down this page to explore our exciting English learning journey throughout year 3.

Peter Pan- Caryl Hart

We have been looking at Peter Pan in English to link with the 'light and shadows' work in science.

Breaking News!

Year 3 & 4 have been busy journalists reporting on a mysterious case involving flying children...

Scroll down to read our outstanding news reports about this surreal event.

The Boy Who Grew Dragons- Andy Shephard

Some bizarre looking plant has popped up in our playground. Good job we have been learning about plants in science because we were able to identify it as a dragon fruit plant. Our class book- 'The Boy Who Grew Dragons'- has also taught us that these plants can GROW ACTUAL DRAGONS (shhh don't tell anyone)!

Overheard in a Tower Block- Joseph Coelho

After looking at rural living in our last book, we wanted to learn about what it's like to live in an urban area. We have written some amazing acrostic poems based on the poetry in this book to show off our knowledge on London from our geography learning in topic.

Where My Wellies Take Me- Clare & Michael Morpurgo

We have loved reading about Pippa's journey through her village in this story and comparing it with Warsop. On our walk around The Carrs we found lots of things from the book, like swallows sitting on a telephone wire.

Below are some examples of the beautiful setting descriptions we have written based on this book.

Knowledge organisers:

A knowledge organiser is a go-to document for a topic/ unit of work. Each one identifies the key information that children need to have learned by the end of a topic. It also acts as a tool to support children in retaining and retrieving knowledge.

We have developed our own knowledge organisers to support the delivery of our curriculum. Each one states the knowledge children should already know from the previous learning, new learning, as well as a list of key vocabulary with definitions.

Click on the links below for the English knowledge organisers.

July 2024


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[ARCHIVED] Year 3 - Siskin News

  • Junior School Councillors
    Congratulations to Hugo and Bella, who have been elected as Siskin's school councillors. (30/09/2020)

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