Autumn Term 2

This half-term, our topic has been 'Celebrations'. The children have enjoyed learning about different celebrations from around the world, and how events are celebrated in different cultures.

During the first two weeks of this half term, we have focused on the story 'Little Glow'. This is a fantastic story that the children all loved. It opened up many discussions about the celebrations that we already know such as birthdays and Christmas, as well as introducing the children to new celebrations such as Diwali.

The Birthday Invitation, The Christmas Story and Merry Christmas Blue Kangaroo have also supported the children's learning on celebrations.

Please see below some of our learning below and click here to see our gallery where you will see lots of our Christmas activities.

Mixing ingredients to make 'Coconut Barfi' which is a traditional Indian sweet.

Food tasting

We have tried samosas, onion bajis and naan bread. We spoke about what we eat during our own celebrations and compared this to what is traditionally eaten during a Diwali celebration. Our favourite food was the naan bread.

Fun Forest Friday

Due to the weather, we had to bring some of our 'Fun forest Friday sessions' inside. The children are enjoying these sessions and love to get messy.

Nature Christmas Trees

Jingle Bells

Remembrance Day

No Pen Day

Here we are taking part in different activities for No Pen Day. We had lots of opportunities to talk and listen. We especially enjoyed show and tell.

Sequencing the story 'The Birthday Invitiation'.

Celebrating a Birthday

To support our learning about birthdays, we had our own birthday party which included playing party games, dancing, and eating party food. Here we are decorating our own biscuits for our party.

Celebrating Bonfire Night

Christmas treats

Here we are piping the chocolate on to the sticks and adding lots of sprinkles for a tasty christmas treat.

Nativiy Performance

During the Autumn 2 Term, the children have been working extremely hard practising our nativity. The performances have been a huge success; we are so proud of how hard the children have worked and what a wonderful performance it was! We would like to thank all parents and carers for their support with learning lines, providing costumes and the donations which were made at the performances.

Our Church Visit

We had another great visit to the Church, this time for the 'Christmas Carol Service'. Puffin Class worked together to create an angel using materials with different textures and colours. This angel was displayed in church as apart of the festival of angels.

June 2024


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