Summer 1

Week 1:

Welcome to Summer Term 1 and what a jam packed week we have had!

English have History are linked this term, can you guess who we are learning about?

1) Her nickname was Lilibet.

2) Her favourite dogs are Corgis.

3) She was married to Prince Phillip.

That's right, we are learning all about Queen Elizabeth II!

In Maths, we have started to learn our 2 and 10 times table. We have been using a range of resources to help us learn these and we are trying to beat our own score in the classroom.

Week 2:

5, 10, 15...20! Can you guess what we have been learning to count up in? In Maths, we have also been making our own doubles up and using arrays to help us count quicker!

In English, we are have been making a plan to create a Fact File on Queen Elizabeth II. So far, we have chosen a title, an image and selected 3 subheadings! We are still trying to decide what fun fact to you have any?

Week 3:

Year 1 have blown the whole school away with their Fact Files on Queen Elizabeth II!

We collated all of our knowledge on the Queen and created a double page spread in our books showcasing her life in colour. We enjoyed adding illustrations and bringing our learning to life!

Week 4:

In History, we have been looking at the different events that made up the Queens life such as her Coronation, Birthdays and when she married Prince Philip. We created our own class timeline and put the events into the correct order...can you guess which event came first?

The Queens Birth!

Week 5:

Two equal parts make...a whole!

Four equal parts make...a whole!

We have been looking at Halves and Quarters.

Swift class would prefer half a pizza than a quarter of a pizza...even better if it is a whole one though!

Week 6:

This week we had the pleasure of going to the library and meeting an author from Scotland called Alastair Chrisholm! He wrote a story called "One Hungry Dragon".

We listened with enthusiasm and asked some amazing questions. The illustrator, Alex Willmore, was also present and taught us how to draw the dragon. Alex asked us if we knew what else the hungry dragon could have ate...we had lots of suggestions! He then drew all of our ideas and brought it to life!

We all had an amazing time!

June 2024


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