Autumn 1

Week 1:

As a school we have been exploring a book called, 'The Wonder'.

Swift class have been using descriptive language to describe how they think a cloud is made, what the best playground would look like if they were to create one and building upon their oracy skills by telling their peers all about their new inventions!

The children really enjoyed having a creative week and pushing the bounds of their imagination.

Week 2:

In Maths, we have been working on our number bonds to ten and introducing the part-whole model. The children have been using different resources to help them with their learning.

In English, Swift class have been retelling the fairytale story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We have been very creative by using role play characters and creating our own story movement routines!

Topic this term is all about Plants! Together as a class, we identified different types of plants and looked at a range of bulbs and seeds. We planted some seeds and we are waiting to see what they will blossom into...

Week 3:

In English we have been reading our new story called: Trust Me, Jack's Beanstalk Stinks! The children were using their detective skills to spot the similarities and differences between the original story of Jack and the Beanstalk and the new story. We then discussed which story was our favourite and why.

Week 4:

Subtraction, Take-Away and Minus! We have been learning new techniques and skills to help us to subtract in Swift Class.

Week 5:

Together, we wrote a class description on The Giant. The adjectives that we used were: smelly, green, purple bags under his eyes, enormous hands and feet, misunderstood and angry.

Can you work out the description that we made?

Week 6:

Swift are now confident mathematicians! We can construct 8 Fact Families. We showed off our new skills using dominoes because we had never used these before and wanted to challenge ourselves.

Week 7:

See, Think, Wonder was different this week as we did not tell the children what book we were reading next! The children were shown an illustration of the book and had to predict what the story was about. Swift class were extremely creative and their explanations as to why were precise and very amusing!

Week 8:

Our new book was called 'James and the Giant Peach'. In a few weeks we will be writing a setting description with the focus being on the use of adjectives! Due to the season, instead of using peaches, the children enjoyed a sensory lesson with a large, wet, gooey pumpkin and some smooth, dry pumpkin seeds to help us with our writing!

June 2024


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