Spring Term 1

Our Wonderful World

This half-term, the children have loved learning all about Space, Planet Earth and animals. The children have demonstrated great eagerness and fascination. The children particularly enjoyed learning about the different planets, and it was great to see so much of this learning continued at home.

The texts we have focused on to support learning on these topics are 'Here We Are' and 'The Snail and the Whale'. The children have been so enthusiastic, and know lots of facts about Space and our Planet.

Labelling the Human body

We firstly tested ourselves on how many body parts we could name, we then drew and labelled a child in the class and then labelled an illustration in our books.

Creating aliens

Forest School

Sculpting Snails

As part of our 'Expressive Art and Design' learning, we have sculpted snails out of clay, linked to our book 'The Snail and the Whale'. We followed 4 steps which included: planning our design, moulding the clay, painting the clay and evaluating our model. We had great fun and learnt lots of different techniques for moulding the clay. We also did a super job of evaluating the parts that worked well and what we would do different next time.


This half-term, we have been focusing on gymnastics. The children moved around the different stations and focused on their balancing and jumping. We have focused on how we jump and land and have made so much progress.

Chinese New Year

This half term, we have celebrated 'Chinese New Year'. Click here to view our gallery to see us celebrating. We tried lots of tasty food and had a big party.

We focused on the story 'The Great Race'. We used props to support our retelling of this story, and this book also provided fantastic opportunities to make predictions throughout.

June 2024


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