Autumn Term 1

In Puffin Class we will be learning lots, as well as having fun. Please scroll down to see our learning from this half term.

Autumn Term 1 in Puffin Class

We are so proud of how the children have settled during the first few weeks of the school year and want to thank parents for all your continued support.

We have had a busy half-term, including visiting the Library, visiting the Church, starting our 'Fun Forest Friday' activities and inviting our grown-ups in for our first 'Bring your Grown-Up to School' session.

We have focused on the topic 'All about Me'. Our Literacy focus books have been:

The Wonder

Our Class is a Family

The Worrysaurus

Ruby's Worry

Room on the Broom

These stories have supported the children to talk about their own experiences. We have celebrated our uniqueness and shared who is in our family, and what our likes/dislikes are. These books have also provided opportunities to discuss emotions in detail. We have discussed what we can do if we have a worry and that the best thing to do is share it, no matter how big or small it may be.

To complete our final week this half term, we focused on the story 'Room on the Broom'. This is a familiar book to all of the children by one of our favourite authors 'Julia Donaldson'.

Click here to see our Phonics Learning from this half-term.

Fun Forest Friday

Every Friday the children take part in a 'Forest Friday' session, this involves a nature themed activity using lots of natural resources such as leaves, conkers, and pine cones. We cannot wait to continue with these sessions and want to thank parents for all their support with collecting resources.


This half-term, we have focused on moving safely. We have practised how to move safely and how we can move in different ways. We have practised listening to instructions and playing simple stop/start games. The children are always so enthusiastic to take part in PE and we are always so impressed with their effort.

Harvest Festival

Thank you for all of your donations to the Harvest Festival. During the past few weeks, we have learnt about Harvest, explored some of the Harvest vegetables and created our own vegetable patterns.

We walked to the church for a special 'Harvest service'. We loved singing our Harvest songs and performing 'Dingle, Dangle Scarecrow'! We are looking forward to visiting the church again for our Christmas service.

Library Visit

Thank you to Miss Watson for organising our visit to the Library! We had a great time exploring the books on offer. We listened to a story and spoke about the importance of a Library Card to take out and return books to the Library. We are looking forward to our next Library Visit. Please remember to visit the Library and sign up for a Library Card, completely free of charge.

Halloween Disco

We absolutely loved our time at the Halloween Disco. We hope the children had a lovely time celebrating Halloween! Please share any photos of your celebrations at home via Tapestry.

Bring Your Grown Up to School

Puffin class invited our grown-ups in to take part in some Halloween Crafts. The crafts included decorating a nature themed pumpkin, creating a spooky dangling ghost and making a trick-or-treat bag. Thank you to all the parents who supported us during the afternoon. We hope you enjoyed exploring the classroom and taking part in the crafts. We are looking forward to organising our next 'Bring your Grown Up to School' session!

We have had our first parent consultations of the year, which we hope have been helpful and beneficial. Over the last few weeks, children have started to take home their reading book, plus a '100 book' for you to share with your child at home. Please read with your child each night and write this in their reading diary.

If you have any questions or queries as we move into the second half of the term, please do not hesitate to speak to a member of the Reception Team.

June 2024


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