Welcome to Magpie

I am Mr Patten

I am delighted to be the class teacher in Magpie class. We have so many exciting things planned for this year and I look forward to being part of your KS1 journey.


Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. Here is the uniform that children at Birkands are expected to wear: white shirt or white / burgundy polo shirt, burgundy cardigan / sweatshirt or fleece, black or grey shorts, skirts, trousers or pinafore dresses/burgundy gingham summer dresses, black shoes - no trainers.

If you have any questions about uniform then please come and ask.


It is essential that pupils are encouraged to read at home to develop their vocabulary, fluency skills and writing. It is expected that pupils read at home at least five times a week, this needs to be recorded in their reading diary (either by the pupil or an adult).

Pupils will be given a phonic targeted book, which is pitched to their reading ability, and will progress through these phases as their fluency develops. These will be changed each week. Pupils should bring their reading diaries into school each day. We want to foster a love of reading in our school, so reading with your child for pleasure is also an important part of home learning. To support this, pupils will also bring home a book from our ‘100 books to read by the end of Y2’ initiative. The books have been carefully selected to represent an exciting range of authors, genres and time periods. These will be handed out over the Autumn term.


This term pupils will have PE sessions on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure pupils arrive in their PE kit on these days, this includes: a plain white or burgundy t-shirt, black bottoms and trainers/ pumps. Pupils can wear their school fleece or jumper on PE days. Please remove earrings at home on PE days. If this is not possible, please tape your child's ears.

Upcoming dates to add to your diary

Bring your grown up to school- Monday 9th December at 2:15pm

KS1 nativity- Tuesday 3rd December at 9:30am and Wednesday 4th December at 1:30pm


Please contact me via the My Child at school app

or Email - jpatten@birklandsschool.co.uk

Magpie (Year 2)

March 2025


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