Autumn 1

We are so proud of how the children have settled during the first few weeks of the school year and want to thank parents for all your continued support.

We have had a busy half-term, including visiting the Library, visiting the Church, starting our 'Fun Forest Friday' activities and inviting our grown-ups in for our first 'Bring your Grown-Up to School' session.

We have focused on the topic 'All about Me'. Our Literacy focus books have been:

These stories have supported the children to talk about their own experiences. We have celebrated our uniqueness and shared who is in our family, and what our likes/dislikes are. These books have also provided opportunities to discuss emotions in detail. We have discussed what we can do if we have a worry and that the best thing to do is share it, no matter how big or small it may be.

To complete our final week this half term, we focused on the story 'Room on the Broom'. This is a familiar book to all of the children by one of our favourite authors 'Julia Donaldson'.

June 2024


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