
The staff at Birklands Primary School designed the school curriculum with the aim of making a positive difference to the life chances of each of our pupils. Through our curriculum, we want to immerse children in new knowledge and experiences that raise aspirations. We aim to develop social responsibility, global awareness and independent thinkers.

At Birklands Primary School we ensure that all children have a secure grounding in the skills and knowledge that are key to raising their life chances.

The children are taught English and Maths every day. Within English and Mathematics lessons the children are continually challenged in order to raise aspiration and are exposed to ambitious vocabulary.

Further details about our curriculum intent:


Computing is taught weekly during discrete sessions. Children have further opportunities, during the week, to use their Computing skills and equipment for learning in other areas of the curriculum.

Religious Education

We provide the children in line with the Nottinghamshire Agreed Syllabus. Within the RE curriculums our children develop an understanding of many religions. They are encouraged to recognize the similarities different religions have. They are taught tolerance and respect for all. Our children learn about and from different religions.

Science and the Humanities

Science, History and Geography are at the core of many of the class topics.

In Science children have he opportunity ot develop their scientific knowledge and understanding across all three sciences.

In History the focus is on how actions, people and events have shaped today's society and the world. this allows them to gain an understanding that all actions have a consequence.

In Geography our children learn about locations and make comparisons around countries etc. Our Geography curriculum alos incorporates the work we do with True education Partnership in order ot develop global responsibility nad awareness.

The Arts

Art, Design and Drama are all covered during topic sessions.

In EYFS and Key Stage one the music curriculum is access via Charanga.

In key stage two Sound Advice teach music notation, skills and knowledge around the playing of a musical instrument and expose our children to different music genres. Some specialist teaching is completed in these areas.


At Birklands School we are committed to encouraging a healthy approach to life. All pupils have two PE sessions a week covering sports as diverse as football and fencing, hockey and basketball. All children have the opportunity to work with our local PE provider. We have a variety of sporting after-school clubs held throughout the year.


At Birklands we study French and all pupils in our key stage 2 have some French activities during the week.

October 2024


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