Daily Reading

Whilst school remains closed, it is essential that children continue to read every day at home. To help support this, I will add a link to an e-book for each book band at the start of each week.

Please read this book throughout the week and when you see a green question mark pop up, answer the questions about the text.

The list of 100 books to read before you leave Year 4 can also be found linked on the class page.

Book for Week Commencing 15/06/20

Books for Week Commencing 08/06/20

Books for Week Commencing 01/06/20

Books for Week Commencing 18/05/20

Books for Week Commencing 11/05/20

Books for Week Commencing 04/05/20

Books for Week Commencing 27/04/2020

Books for Week Commencing 20/04/2020

Books for Week Commencing 30/03/2020

Books for Week Commencing 23/03/2020

July 2024


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