y3 Maths

https://birklandsschool.co.uk/data/uploads/year3/images/image%28249%29.pngHave a wonderful summer!

I know our year was cut quite short, but I have loved being your teacher and can’t wait to see you return in September. I hope you all get some rest, sunshine and are able to make some great memories this summer. Good luck in year 4!

There are lots of links and activities on this website in case of a rainy day- fingers crossed there aren’t many!

Keep being superstars!

20.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Monday year three! Your second to last day as a year three! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to enjoy the sunshine. Have a wonderful day.

The axis is counting up in 2s- label it!

17.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three! It's feel good Friday again, click here for a song to get you dancing, enjoy!

For our remaining weeks in year three I thought you would enjoy a maths challenge. Each day this week, you will have to use our learning in maths so far solve a mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

Don’t forget to cross out the culprits that don't fit the clue (click here).

16.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three. What has made you smile this week? I hope you are still seeing how many smiles you can pass on in a day!

For our remaining weeks in year three I thought you would enjoy a maths challenge. Each day this week, you will have to use our learning in maths so far solve a mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

Don’t forget to cross out the culprits that don't fit the clue (click here).

15.7.20 wednesday again

Happy Wednesday year three. I hope you are all okay.

For our remaining weeks in year three I thought you would enjoy a maths challenge. Each day this week, you will have to use our learning in maths so far solve a mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

Don’t forget to cross out the culprits that don't fit the clue (click here).


Happy Tuesday year three. I hope you are all okay.

For our remaining weeks in year three I thought you would enjoy a maths challenge. Each day this week, you will have to use our learning in maths so far solve a mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

Don’t forget to cross out the culprits that don't fit the clue (click here).

13.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Monday year three. I hope you all had a lovely weekend, it was nice to see the sunshine again. What did you get up to? I went on another long walk to make the most of the weather.

For our remaining weeks in year three I thought you would enjoy a maths challenge. Each day this week, you will have to use our learning in maths so far solve a mystery. I hope you enjoy it!

If there is one thing you know about me Year 3, it is that I love chocolate!

Someone has raided my secret chocolate stash in the classroom, and I need you to help me find the culprit!

Solve the clues each day to work out who the chocolate thief is. After solving each clue, don’t forget to cross out the culprits on this list (click here).

10.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three. Here's another 'Feel Good Friday Song' for you, I bet this one gets you moving! Have a wonderful weekend.

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

9.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three. I hope you have a wonderful day! Don't forget to send me your memories to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

8.7.20 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday year three. I hope you have a wonderful day!

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

7.7.20Bitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday year three. Don't forget to keep up with your daily reading- I have been updating the page with new books and comics each week.

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful day!

6.7.20 have a good week

Happy Monday year three, I hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to? Remember to send email updates and your favourite year 3 memories to my email address: mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful day!

3.7.20Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three! Here is another 'Feel Good Friday' song for you, I hope it gets you up on your feet! Please don't forget to send me your favourite year 3 memories for our class book to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk


1. 40 x 6

2. 32 x 3

3. 167 + ? = 200

4. 400 - 35

5. 932 - 641

6. 449 + 207

7. 11 x 8

8. 78 + 40

9. 27 ÷ 9

10. __ x 4 = 32

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

2.7.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three, I hope you are all okay. What is something that has made you smile this week? I would love for you to share it with me. Have a lovely day!

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.


Happy Wednesday year three, and welcome to a brand new month. I wonder what July has in store... hopefully more sunshine!

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful day!

30.6.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday year three! It was lovely to speak to some of you on the phone yesterday. I'm glad you are all looking for those silver linings still. Please remember to send me your favourite class memories to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful day!


Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend. I went for a walk and finished it off with fish and chips! What did you do? Let me know on mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

In maths, we are going to recap our learning so far rather than focusing on one specific topic. This will give you the chance to master your calculation and reasoning skills.

Each day you will have:

  • A set of fluency questions (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
  • A word problem
  • An explain it question
  • A challenge

Check your answers here.

Have a wonderful day!

26.6.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy feel good Friday year three! I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine this week. Here is another feel good song to make you smile and get you moving today. Have a lovely weekend.


  1. 45 x 4 =
  2. 15 x 3 =
  3. 48 ÷ 6 =
  4. 214 + 80 =
  5. 526 + 133 =
  6. 9 x ___ = 72
  7. 18 x 8 =
  8. 320 – 40 =
  9. 105 + ____ = 238
  10. 11 x 11 =

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week we are going to recap our work on ‘statistics’ that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Statistics problems

Today you are going to recap this week's work on statistics by solving these problems (click).

25.6.20 thursday

Happy Thursday year three! We have another beautiful day in store today, I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine- don't forget to wear sun cream! Have a wonderful day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 8 x 7
  2. 24 + 30 + __ = 94
  3. 118 – 49
  4. 17 x 9
  5. 643 + 348

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week we are going to recap our work on ‘statistics’ that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Drawing bar graphs

Below, you have a blank tally chart to record data which you are then going to display in a bar graph (template below).

Your graph can show data about anything of your choice. Here are some ideas, if you are struggling to think of some:

  • Temperature each day of the week
  • People’s favourite fruit/ movie/ chocolate bar
  • Hours spent watching TV/ on a computer each day of the week

Don’t forget to think of a sensible scale for your bar chart- what are you going to go up in?

I would also like you to write 5 sentences interpreting the data in your bar graph.

Don't forget to send them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine today! Don't forget to send me your picture updates to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 12 x ___ = 36
  2. 29 + ___ = 100
  3. 199 – 61
  4. 42 x 5
  5. 803 + 78

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week we are going to recap our work on ‘statistics’ that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Interpreting bar graphs

Watch this Chuckle Brothers video to recap our learning on bar graphs.

Complete the bar graph template below using the tally chart.

Now answer the questions below:

  1. Which bird was seen the most?
  2. Which bird was seen the least?
  3. How many birds were seen altogether?
  4. How many Robins and Chaffinches were seen?
  5. How many more Chaffinches were seen than Blue tits?
  6. How many fewer pigeons were seen than Magpies and Robins?

Optional: You could record what birds visit your garden this week and use it to create a bar chart.


Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay, this week is National Sports Week! Find out more about it here.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 8 x ___ = 64
  2. 180 + 60
  3. 565 - 311
  4. 33 x 3
  5. 901 - 32

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week we are going to recap our work on ‘statistics’ that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Drawing pictograms

Below, you have a blank tally chart to record data which you are then going to display in a pictogram (template below).

Your pictogram can show data about anything of your choice. Here are some ideas, if you are struggling to think of some:

  • People’s favourite animals/ colours/ food/ sport
  • Adverts shown on TV
  • Colour of cars passing your house

Don’t forget to make a key for your pictogram- how many is each picture going to represent?

I would also like you to write 5 sentences interpreting the data in your pictogram.

Don't forget to send them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk


Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend!

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 7 x 6
  2. 45 + __ = 100
  3. 232 - 57
  4. 24 x 3
  5. 136 + 78

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week we are going to recap our work on ‘statistics’ that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Interpreting pictograms

If you need a recap of how to interpret pictograms, watch this video here. Always look at the key first!

This pictogram shows the number of hours spent playing computer games by 6 children this week:

Use this pictogram to answer the questions below. Don't forget to look at the key!


Happy Feel Good Friday year three! I hope you are all okay. Here's another feel good song (another one of my favourites) to hopefully brighten up your day whilst the sunshine is hiding.

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. ​​​​​​22 x 8 =

  1. 7 x 9 =

  1. 84 ÷ 4 =

  1. 612 + 48 =

  1. 534 + 792 =

  1. 9 x ___ = 54

  1. 18 x 6 =

  1. 200 – 35 =

  1. 620= ____ + 40

  1. 15 x 7 =

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Recap- time problems

Today you are going to use your learning of time so far to solve some ‘time zone problems’. Use the knowledge organiser above to recap the 24 clock.

Check your answers here.


Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay. Here's today's maths...

Have a wonderful day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 12 x 7
  2. 232 + ____ = 282
  3. 412 – 117
  4. 48 x 5
  5. 457 + 281

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Duration problems

I have a problem! My dogs might look cute...

BUT they have torn up the TV guide and I need your help to fill in the gaps below.

Use the TV guide to answer these questions:

  1. How long would I be watching TV if I watched an episode of Scooby Doo, Horrible Histories and Ben Ten?

  1. Three episodes of Chucklevision is ___________ (longer/ shorter) than two episodes of The Flinstones.

  1. I am watching the same TV programme for 2 hours. What could I have watched? Find as many possibilities as you can.

Check your answers here.


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay. Here's today's maths...

Have a wonderful day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 8 x 8
  2. 150 = __ + 70
  3. 600 – 62
  4. 34 x 3
  5. 458 + 333

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Start and end times

Today, rather than calculating the duration, you will need to find the start and end times.

  • If you have the start time, add the duration to find out the end time.
  • If you have the end time, take away the duration to find the start time.

1. Watch this video about finding the start and end times when solving problems.

2. Complete today's tasks:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay. When I spoke to some of you on the phone, you said you were really missing each other. I miss teaching you lots! I hope this cheers you up a little...

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 5 x 9
  2. 38 + __ = 70
  3. 450 – 210
  4. 62 x 5
  5. 611 + 158

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Thank you to Emily's mum, who sent this great model to help you read a clock:

Comparing the duration

You are going to be using yesterday’s learning to help you compare durations of time today. You will need to work out the duration and then decide which is longer/ shorter.

Check your answers.


Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend! Another week in our new normal. What are you grateful for this week? I am grateful that I can call my family and friends to stay in touch!

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 7 x 6
  2. 45 + __ = 100
  3. 232 - 57
  4. 24 x 3
  5. 136 + 78

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Finding the duration

Duration means how the amount of time something takes or the amount of time passed between the start and end time.

1. Watch this video to help you with today's work.

2. Complete today's tasks:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Friday year three! I hope you are all okay today! Click here for a feel good Friday song, I hope it makes you smile. Have a wonderful weekend!

Today you are going to answer 10 arithmetic questions like you usually do on a Friday in school.


  1. 45 x 4 =
  2. 15 x 3 =
  3. 48 ÷ 6 =
  4. 214 + 80 =
  5. 526 + 133 =
  6. 9 x ___ = 72
  7. 18 x 8 =
  8. 320 – 40 =
  9. 105 + ____ = 238
  10. 11 x 11 =

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

24 hour clock

Today we are looking at the 24 hour clock- Remember there are 24 hours in a day.

1. Click here to learn about the 24 hour clock. This will help you with today's tasks.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's maths.

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 60 x 6
  2. 29 x 4
  3. 18 x 7
  4. 65 x 3
  5. 37 x 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Telling the time problems

To recap our learning so far this week, read the problems below and draw the hands on the clock to show the time each sports event starts.


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's maths.

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 20 x 4
  2. 30 x 8
  3. 15 x 3
  4. 52 x 5
  5. 43 x 6

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

am and pm

Today you are going to look at telling the time on a digital clock.

1. Use the information and diagram below to help you with your tasks today.

The day is split into:

  • the 12 Hours running from Midnight to Noon (the AM hours), and
  • the other 12 Hours running from Noon to Midnight (the PM hours)


3. Check your answers.

4. Here is a game you can play to practise identifying am or pm.


Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's maths.

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 32 + ? = 100
  2. 200= ? - 20
  3. ? = 421 + 38
  4. 146 - ? = 131
  5. 101 + ? = 300

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Telling the time- to 1 minute

Today you are going to look at telling the time on an analogue clock. Complete and use the diagram below to help you.

2. Watch this video to recap how to tell the time. Under each clock, write the time it shows:

3. On each clock, draw the hands to show the time it says beneath it. The first one has been done for you.

4. Check your answers.


Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend! Don't forget to send me your updates to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 45 + ? = 100
  2. 250= ? - 20
  3. ? = 130 + 450
  4. 165 - ? = 35
  5. 92 + ? = 200

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Telling the time- to 5 minutes

Today you are going to look at telling the time on an analogue clock. Use the diagrams below to help you. Here is a song to help too!

This is a very important life skill, practise telling the time by telling your grown up what time it is using the clocks and watches at home.

1. Watch this video to look at telling the time in 5 minute intervals.

2. Under each clock, write the time it shows.

3. On each clock, draw the hands to show the time it says beneath it:

4. Explain it:

5. Check your answers.


Happy Friday year three! I hope you are all okay today! Click here for a feel good Friday song, it will definitely get you moving. Have a wonderful weekend!

Today you are going to answer 10 arithmetic questions like you usually do on a Friday in school.


  1. 312 – 204 =
  2. 5 x 50 =
  3. 96 ÷ 8 =
  4. 450 + 80 =
  5. 565 + 173 =
  6. 12 x ___ = 48
  7. 24 x 5 =
  8. 530 – 45 =
  9. 112 + ____ = 500
  10. 11 x 10 =

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

Ordering time

Here are some cards, I want you need to use this week’s maths to place them in order of length of time (you don't need to print them, you can write the actions out in time order). You might need to do some research to find out some answers.

Don’t forget to email your completed work to me (mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk).


Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, does anybody else feel like they need a little pep talk this morning? (Scroll down for today's work)

"If you want to change the world, you've got to learn about it!"

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. ? x 6 = 48
  2. 25 x 3
  3. ? x 8 = 965
  4. 55 x 4
  5. ? x 12 = 36

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Units of time- Seconds, minutes and hours

You are going to focus on understanding time today- thinking about how long a minute, hour and second is.

Watch this video to recap some of the key concepts of time.

Sort the actions below into whether they would take an hour, minute or second on the table.

2. Now I want you to think of your own examples for each column of the table. What have you done today that has taken a second, minute or hour?

3. Check your answers.

4. Here is a game to practise your units of time.


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay. I put another story video up yesterday, you can watch it here.

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 30 x 5
  2. 105 + ? = 200
  3. 12 x 7
  4. 600 - 80
  5. 134 + 368

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Key concepts of time

Use the key facts and the diagram below to help you with today’s tasks.

Key Facts

  • 1 year = 12 months/ 365 days (366 days in a leap year)
  • 1 week = 7 days
  • 1 day = 24 hours

  1. Sadie’s little brother is 60 months old. How old is he?

  1. Sadie is 36 months older than her brother.

a) How many years older is she?

b) How old is Sadie?

  1. Sadie was born on the first day of the 5th month. Which month is her birthday?

  1. Her brother was born exactly 4 months later.

a) What is her brother’s birthday?

b) How many days are there between Sadie and her brother’s birthday?

  1. Amir’s big brother is 16 years and 2 months. How old is he in just months?

  1. Amir is exactly 5 years younger than his brother.

a) How old is Amir?

b) What is Amir’s age in months?

  1. Amir’s brother works every weekday in a bank. How many days does he work in 10 weeks?

  1. June 1st is a Monday.

a) How many days does Amir’s brother work in June?

b) How many hours are there in June altogether?

  • Check your answers here.


Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay. Don't forget your daily reading today. I will also be putting up another video reading to you, so look out for that!

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 16 x 4
  2. 203 + 49
  3. 90 x 5
  4. 638 - 164
  5. 250 + ? = 500

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Key concepts of time

1. Use the key facts and the diagram below to help you with today’s tasks.

Key facts

1 day = 24 hours

1 week = 7 days

1 year = 12 months/ 365 days (366 in leap year)

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Monday year three and welcome to a brand new month...

I hope you all had a lovely rest this week and had the chance to make the most of the sunshine! What have you been doing? Let me know with your email updates!

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 12 x 8
  2. 302 + 175
  3. 88 x 3
  4. 600 - 44
  5. 350 + ? = 700

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

For the next 3 weeks, we will be focusing on ‘time’ as this is an ideal topic to practise at home.

Can I identify months and years?

Before we look at telling the time, we are going to spend some time looking at the key concepts of time.

Today we are going to start with months. There is a rhyme to remember how many days are in each month:

30 days has September,

April, June and November.

All the rest have 31.

Except for February, it is the one,

Which only has 28 days clear,

And 29 in each leap year.

1. Familiarise yourself with how many days are in each month by looking here. If you have a calendar at home, have a look through that too and use it to help you today.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Friday year three! There will be no work set next week as it is 'half-term'. It is a great opportunity for you to have a rest and hopefully enjoy the sunshine.

We are in a strange and uncertain time, but what is certain is that we are living something that will make history. So, it is a good idea to try and capture this time to look back on- you could use next week to do this, I know a lot of you already are. You might want to write a lockdown diary, make a scapbook or create a time capsule like this one.

Have a wonderful week year 3 and keep looking for silver linings!

Click here for an important message from me.

Today you are going to answer 10 arithmetic questions like you usually do on a Friday in school.


  1. 700 – 120 =
  2. 7 x 30 =
  3. 64 ÷ 4 =
  4. 238 + 149 =
  5. 644 + 78 =
  6. 30 x ___ = 90
  7. 47 x 4 =
  8. 129 – 30 =
  9. 60 + ____ = 500
  10. 48 x 8 =

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

Can I solve multiplication and division problems?

Today we are going to recap our learning of multiplication and division with some problems.

Make sure you look at the vocabulary in each question to work out if you are multiplying or dividing. USE THE METHODS YOU HAVE LOOKED AT THIS WEEK!

Click here to check your answers.


Happy Thursday Nightingales! Have you seen our second video message for you? Watch it here, and remember that you have a friend in us!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 14 x 6
  2. 23 x 4
  3. 61 x 3
  4. 34 x 5
  5. 56 x 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers?

Yesterday we looked at the bus stop method. Today we are going to become experts at this method.

1. Watch this video to recap the short division (bus stop) method.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

20.5. 20

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! Did you know that it is mental health awareness week? Have a look at our mindfulness page to find ways to be kind to your mind as we get used to our new normal!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 40 x 8
  2. 30 x 6
  3. 50 x 7
  4. 90 x 4
  5. 55 x 9

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I divide 2-digit by 1-digit numbers?

Today you are going to focus on the short division method that we have looked together in class- we sometimes call it the ‘bus stop’ method.

1. Watch this video to practise the bus stop method.

The steps to success are below.

2. Use the video and the steps to success to answer these division questions:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Tuesday year three! Can you remember how to say Tuesday in French? I'll give you a clue: "Who are you calling mardy?" Have a lovely day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 1/2 of 46
  2. Double 25
  3. 1/2 of 52
  4. Double 68
  5. 1/4 of 88

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I use written methods to multiply 1-digit and 2-digit numbers?

Yesterday we looked at multiplying in our head. Today we are going to look at some written multiplication methods.

1. Grid method: Watch this video and look at the steps to success below. Use these to help you answer the 10 questions.

2. Short multiplication method (column): Watch this video and look at the steps to success below. Use these to help you answer the six multiplication questions.

3. Check your answers.

4. Optional challenge:


Happy Monday year three! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Another week at our new normal, I miss teaching you in the classroom very much. I hope you are all keeping safe and positive.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 255 - 32
  2. 506 - 29
  3. 219 - 78
  4. 309 - 44
  5. 550 - 18

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I multiply 1-digit and 2-digit numbers mentally?

This week we are focussing on the different multiplication and division methods we looked at in school.

Today we are going to start with mental multiplication methods. Look at the examples below and then use them to complete today’s tasks.

Check your answers here.


Happy Friday year three! It's feel good Friday again, what are 3 things that have made you smile this week? Mine are the sunshine, my dogs and your Greek stories. Have a lovely weekend!

Today you are going to answer 10 arithmetic questions like you usually do on a Friday in school.


  1. 312 – 204 =
  2. 5 x 50 =
  3. 96 ÷ 8 =
  4. 450 + 80 =
  5. 565 + 173 =
  6. 12 x ___ = 48
  7. 24 x 5 =
  8. 530 – 45 =
  9. 112 + ____ = 500
  10. 11 x 10

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)


Happy Thursday year three! Today is another story day, I will let you know when the read aloud video is on the website. I hope you have a lovely day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 400 - 37
  2. 106- 18
  3. 530- 46
  4. 194 - 46
  5. 365 - 237

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I solve 3, 4 and 8 times table problems?

Today you are going to apply your times table practise to some problems.

1. Copy and complete the venn diagram below. (Multiples of both 3 and 4 go between them, multiples of 3, 4 and 8 go in the centre etc.)

2. Solve the word problems below:

3. Check your answers.

4. Optional challenge. Complete the multiplication grid below.


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, can you remember what Wednesday is in French? Practise your French days of the week here.

Have a lovely day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 82 + 37
  2. 70 + 91
  3. 14 + 46
  4. 81 + 94
  5. 65 + 37

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I multiply and divide by 8?

Today I want you to practise multiplying and dividing by 8. When we multiply by 8, we can double, double and double again.

1. Watch this video to get singing and practising your 8 times table. You could even have a go at making your own 4 times table tune to your favourite song.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

4. Click here for a board game to practise your 4 times table. If you are not able to print this, click here for an online game.


Happy Tuesday year three! Remember to do some reading each day, what have you read recently? I will be uploading another story video for you on the #Miss.Goodwinreads page today.

Have a lovely day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 340 - 150
  2. 670 - 280
  3. 445 - 139
  4. 811 - 194
  5. 765 - 378

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I multiply and divide by 4?

Today I want you to practise multiplying and dividing by 4. Remember when we multiply by 4 we can double and double again!

1. Watch this video to get singing and practising your 4 times table. You could even have a go at making your own 4 times table tune to your favourite song.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

4. Click here for a board game to practise your 4 times table. If you are not able to print this, click here for an online game.


Happy Monday year three! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, it was lovely to see your VE day celebrations, I'm glad you were able to safely celebrate the day and enjoy the sunshine.

Here's today's maths:

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 450 + 320
  2. 670 + 280
  3. 145 + 462
  4. 811 + 194
  5. 765 + 378

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Multiplication and Division' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I multiply and divide by 3?

I know you are whizzes at your 3 times table, today I want you to practise multiplying and dividing by 3 so that you are super speedy!

1. Watch this video to get moving and practising your 3 times table.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

4. Click here for a board game to practise your 3 times table. If you are not able to print this, click here for an online game.

Please remember to email your updates to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

7.5.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three! Today is like our Friday, because it is VE day tomorrow, I will not be posting any work on here, but if you would like to get creative and make some VE decorations and find out what the day is all about, click here. I know some of you are having social distant 'street parties', I hope you enjoy them!

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 147 + 32
  2. 345 + 66
  3. 214 + 78
  4. 309 + 44
  5. 550 + 81

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I add and subtract numbers mentally?

We have looked at different written methods for adding and subtracting in class and on here. Today you will use them to answer some word problems.

1. Click here to look at some written addition and subtraction strategies to help you today.

2. Solve today's word problems. Make sure you look at the vocabulary in each question to work out if you are adding or subtracting:

3. Check your answers.

4. Challenge

Write your own word problems for each number sentence and calculate the answer.

  1. 112 + 56
  2. 346 – 275
  3. 933 - ? = 805
  4. 455 + 180

6.5.20 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday year three! I miss you all making me laugh.

What's your favourite joke? Ask a grown up to email me and I will share them here. I'll kick things off today, but I have a terrible taste in jokes...

Which dog always wins the race? (answer on today's English work)

5.5.20 tuesday

Happy Tuesday year three!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 264 + 132
  2. 309 + 271
  3. 178 + 425
  4. 706 + 229
  5. 556 + 268

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I subtract 3-digits from 3-digits?

1. Watch this video to recap the column subtraction method for 3 digit numbers.

We have already looked at the column subtraction method a lot. The steps to success to remind you are below:

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

may the force be with you4.5.20 use the force

Happy Monday year three! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Here is today's maths, 'May the fourth' be with you...

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 255 - 32
  2. 506 - 29
  3. 219 - 78
  4. 309 - 44
  5. 550 - 18

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I two 3-digit numbers?

1. Watch this video to recap the column addition method for 3 digit numbers.

We have already looked at the column addition method a lot. The steps to success to remind you are below:

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

1.5.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three and welcome to a brand new month...

Have you seen our video message to you? Watch it here. I am missing you all, I hope it puts a smile on your face this feel good Friday!

Have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 147 + 32
  2. 345 + 66
  3. 214 + 78
  4. 309 + 44
  5. 550 + 81

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I subtract 2-digits from 3-digit numbers?

1. Watch this video to see how to use the column subtraction method for 3 and 2 digit numbers.

Here are the steps to success for the column subtraction method. You are subtracting 2-digits from 3 digit numbers, so don’t forget your hundreds too!

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

30.4.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you have a wonderful day.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 132 - 7
  2. 644 - 6
  3. 211 - 9
  4. 107 - 8
  5. 453 - 5

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I add 3-digit and 2-digit numbers?

1. Watch this video to recap how to use the column addition method for 3 and 2 digit numbers.

The steps to success are below:

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay. It is lovely to see your work updates so please make sure you send them to me at mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 478 + 6
  2. 116 + 7
  3. 129 + 5
  4. 264 + 8
  5. 505 + 9

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I subtract 1-digit from 3-digit numbers?

Remember- If we are subtracting a larger ones digit than the digit in the ones column, we have to exchange one ten for 10 ones. E.g. 132- 6

6 is greater than 2, so I need to exchange a ten for 10 ones so that I could do 12 -6

Teddy’s example below shows this. You might want to draw base 10 out like him to help you.

Bronze- Look at each method and use it to answer the questions below it.

Check your answers to today's work here.

Practical activity

If you have a pack of cards at home you could choose 3 cards to make a 3-digit number and then choose another card (number) to subtract from it.

This could also work if you have a dice, roll 3 numbers to make your first 3-digit number and the next roll will give you a number to subtract from it.

If you do not have a pack of cards or dice, you could ask someone to choose numbers randomly.

28.4.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay. Make sure you check the #MissGoodwinreads page today for another story. Have a wonderful day!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 10 more than 279
  2. 10 less than 802
  3. 100 more than 6
  4. 100 less than 128
  5. 110 more than 109

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I add 3-digit and 1-digit numbers?

Remember- When we add two digits together in the ones column that add to more than 9 (e.g. 6+4 =10), then the tens column will change because 10 ones = 1 ten.

Bronze- Look at each method and use it to answer the questions below it.

Check your answers to today's work here.

Practical activity

If you have a pack of cards at home you could choose 3 cards to make a 3-digit number and then choose another card (number) to add to it.

This could also work if you have a dice, roll 3 numbers to make your first 3-digit number and the next roll will give you a number to add to it.

If you do not have a pack of cards or dice, you could ask someone to choose numbers randomly.

27.4.20 good morning

Happy Monday year three! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Do you have any happy news you want to share? I have been putting some uplifting 'happy news' stories on the mindfuless page here, I think they will put a smile on your face.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 10 more than 309
  2. 10 less than 612
  3. 100 more than 91
  4. 100 less than 407
  5. 110 more than 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap our learning about 'Addition and Subtraction' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I add and subtract multiples of 100?

1. Watch this video to recap adding and subtracting multiples of 100.

It might help you today to draw the numbers out with base 10, like the example below.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

24.4.20 Bitmoji Image

It is feel good Friday! What is your favourite song to put you in a good mood? Please share it with me at mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk so that I can add it to our class happy music playlist. When in doubt, dance it out!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 47 x 6
  2. 81 x 4
  3. 500 x 8
  4. 62 x 7
  5. 39 x 9

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap the learning about 'Place Value' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I order and compare numbers?

1. Watch this video to help you with today's tasks.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. I have seen some amazing work from you superstars this week! I know you are whizzes at place value, so complete the activity below to recap our learning.

4. Check your answers.

23.4.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, I am so impressed with the maths work that I have seen, keep it up! Remember to keep practising your times tables today on TT rockstars.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 16 x 4
  2. 52 x 7
  3. 200 x 6
  4. 15 x 9
  5. 74 x 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap the learning about 'Place Value' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I identify 1, 10 or 100 more or less?

To help you today, you can draw out base 10 on a place value chart.

1. Choose a number from the top row. Find your way to the cup by making a path finding 10 more or less than your number (like the example given).

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.

22.4.20 Hump day

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, it was lovely to speak to some of you and your grown ups on the phone yesterday. You've all been very busy, and I'm so happy you're all keeping positive.

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 11 x 10
  2. 14 x 5
  3. 22 x 9
  4. 34 x 8
  5. 29 x 6

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap the learning about 'Place Value' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I identify the place value of each digit?

Today, it might help you to write numbers on a place value chart. Don't forget to put each digit in the correct column, use this to help:

1. Watch this video to recap representing numbers.

I have mixed up my place value charts with my answers.

Can you match the place value charts below to these numbers? 309, three hundred and forty nine, 262

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers.


Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay. Please take the time to have a look at Millie's beautiful poem here, I am sure it will brighten your day like it did mine.

I have a special treat for you coming today on the daily reading page so keep your eyes peeled. (Miss. Goodwin the youtuber?)

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

  1. 7 x 5
  2. 30 x 6
  3. 37 x 3
  4. 48 x 2
  5. 63 x 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap the learning about 'Place Value' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I count in fifties?

You all know your 5 times table: 5. 10. 15, 20, 25, 30, 35...

So, you can all count in fifties: 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350...

1. What do you notice?

50 is ten times greater than 5 so when we count in 50s it is ten times greater than the 5 times table.

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers here.

20.4.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Monday year three! I hope you have had a lovely Easter break, making lots of memories. Remember you can keep me updated on mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

I hope you're all okay, what do you miss the most about school? I miss your morning smiles a lot!

Fluent in Five- can you answer them all in 5 minutes?

1. 4 x 8

2. 12 x 6

3. 44 x 3

4. 72 x 4

5. 21 x 8

TT Rockstars

Spend 10 minutes on TT Rockstars (ON SOUNDCHECK PLEASE)

This week, we will recap the learning about 'Place Value' that we did earlier in the year. As we have already covered this topic at school, children should be able to attempt it by themselves.

Can I count in hundreds?

1. Have a look at these number lines to recap counting in hundreds. This video will help too.

Today's key facts will help you, it might help you to think about the base 10 blocks today. You can draw these out using squares (100), lines (10) and dots (1).

2. Complete today's activities:

3. Check your answers here.

Bitmoji ImageHappy Easter! bunny

Have a look at your Easter Challenge here!

I'm sure it is not the Easter break a lot of you had imagined, but we can always look for the silver lining and spend some time resting, creating and making memories with people around you.

In the meantime, let’s all take a leaf out of Baloo’s book (not the ant eating part) and look for the bare necessities…

3.4.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three! I hope you are all okay, have a lovely weekend. I will be putting an egg-citing Easter challenge on the website later so keep your eyes peeled! Miss you all.

Fluent in five

1. 400 - 45

2. 262 - 128

3. 32 x 4

4. 25 x 8

5. 16 x 9

Maths task

When we look at something in maths, I like you to think about why you are learning it. Why do we need to learn about fractions?

They are all around us, like:

  • Your arithmetic and spelling scores- 10/10 is a fraction it is 10 tenths, the same as 1 whole!
  • I am 2/3 of the way through my book.
  • Offer and sale prices- 1/2 price today only!
  • Recipes E.g. Add 2/5 of the chocolate chips.

Can you think of some more? Email me your ideas (mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk)

Can I calculate a fraction of a set of objects?

1. Watch the video (step 9).

3. Complete the activities.

4. Check your answers.

2.4.20 thursday

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay,

Fluent in five

Answer the fractions questions on this ‘Match of the Day’ video. This will help with today’s maths.

Maths task

Fractions work can be tricky and I know that some of you struggled with yesterday’s work, so we are going to go over it again. I want you to get a pencil and some paper and follow along with this video until 3 mins 30.

When we are finding a fraction of an amount we need to look at the denominator first.

  • Let's find 3/4 of 12.
  1. Divide the number by the denominator. So 12 ÷ 4 = 3.

This has told us what one quarter of 12 is, but I want to know what 3 quarters is so…

  1. Multiply your answer by the numerator. So 3 x 3 = 9

This is your answer, 3/4 of 12 is 9.

  • Let's do another one together: What is 5/9 of 27?
  1. Divide the number by the denominator. So 27 ÷ 9 = 3.
  2. Multiply your answer by the numerator. So 3 x 5 =15.

This is your answer, 5/9 of 27 is 15.

  • Have a go at this one by yourself. What is 2/8 of 32?
  1. Divide the number by the denominator. So 32 ÷ 8 = ?
  2. Multiply your answer by the numerator. So ? x 2 = ?

This is your answer, 2/8 of 32 is ?

Have a go at these by yourself. What is

  • 2/5 of 35?
  • 4/8 of 16?
  • 7/10 of 80?

Extension: Have another look at this steps to success poster. Create your own poster like this that shows someone how to find a fraction of an amount. I would love for you to email it to me and I can put them up in the classroom.

1.4.20 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday year three! It's the start of a brand new month. I think this month is going to be one we look back on as a very different time, are you keeping a diary to remember it?

Fluent in five

1. 1/2 of 40

2. 1/2 of 64

3. 1/4 of 40

4. 1/4 of 88

5. 1/5 of 55

Can I calculate a fraction of a set of objects?

1. Watch the video (step 8).

3. Complete the activities.

4. Check your answers.

5. Test your knowledge with this crystal crash game.

31.3.20 tuesday

Happy Tuesday year three! Have you seen the happy news stories on our mindfulness page? I'm sure they will give you a giggle. E-mail me your favourite.

Here's today's maths:

Fluent in five

1. 150 - 32

2. 470 - 51

3. 320 - 63

4. 280 - 44

5. 830 - 72

Can I calculate a fraction of a set of objects?

1. Watch the video (step 7).

3. Complete the activities.

4. Check your answers.

30.3.20 monday

Happy Monday year three! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I'm looking forward to another week of your learning updates. Miss you all!

Fluent in five

1. 200 = 51 + ?

2. 74 + ? = 130

3. ? + 120 = 400

4. 85 = ? + 32

5. 322 = ? + 110

Can I represent fractions on a number line?

1. Watch the video (step 6).

2. Practise fractions on a number line here.

3. Complete the activities.

4. Check your answers.

5. Test your knowledge with this animal rescue game.

27.3.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay. It has been a very different week getting used to our new normal, I miss teaching you all but it has been lovely to get your email updates and photos.

Fluent in five

1. 145 + 39

2. 312 + 78

3. 106 + 82

4. 518 + 55

5. 771 + 94

Can I convert tenths to decimals?

1. Watch the video (lesson 5)

2. Watch this video to help you too!

3. Complete the activities

4. Check your answers

5. Test your knowledge on this game.

26.3.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay. School was very quiet yesterday without most of you! I hope you had some chance to enjoy the sunshine (either from a window or garden). Let's make the most of the little things.

Fluent in five

Test your 6, 7, 9 and 11 times table knowledge here. Don't forget to download your certificate.

Challenge: Can you beat my fastest answer?

Can I count in tenths?

1. Watch the video (lesson 4)

2. Use this number line to support you counting in tenths- look at how 10/10 is the same as 1 whole. If we have another tenth it would be 1 and 1/10.

2. Complete the activities

3. Check your answers

25.3.20 Wednesday

Happy Wednesday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay. I am in school today teaching some of you, I bet it is going to be really quiet without you all! Remember to go on Times Table Rockstars (I have been checking).

Fluent in five

Test your 3, 4 and 8 times table knowledge here. Don't forget to download your certificate.

Challenge: Can you beat my fastest answer?

Can I identify tenths?

1. Watch the video (lesson 3)

2. Complete the activities

3. Check your answers

4. Test your knowledge of fractions so far with this game.

24.3.20 Bitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay, it was lovely to see some of your fractions work yesterday. Keep up the amazing work!

Fluent in five

1. 15 x 8

2. 41 x 8

3. 29 x 8

4. 45 x 9

5. 63 x 9

Can I identify a whole?

1. Watch the video (lesson 2)

2. Complete the activities

3. Check your answers

23.3.20 monday

Happy Monday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay, I am going to miss your Monday smiles. Happy learning!

Fluent in five

1. 17 x 4

2. 22 x 5

3. 55 x 3

4. 68 x 4

5. 37 x 8

Can I recognise unit and non- unit fractions?

1. Watch the video (lesson 1)

2. Complete the activities

3. Check your answers

July 2024


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[ARCHIVED] Year 3 - Siskin News

  • Junior School Councillors
    Congratulations to Hugo and Bella, who have been elected as Siskin's school councillors. (30/09/2020)

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