Y3 English

https://birklandsschool.co.uk/data/uploads/year3/images/image%28249%29.pngHave a wonderful summer!

I know our year was cut quite short, but I have loved being your teacher and can’t wait to see you return in September. I hope you all get some rest, sunshine and are able to make some great memories this summer. Good luck in year 4!

There are lots of links and activities on this website in case of a rainy day- fingers crossed there aren’t many!

Keep being superstars!

Monday 20th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Monday year three! Your second to last day as a year three! I hope you all had a lovely weekend and were able to enjoy the sunshine. Have a wonderful day.

  • Word of the Day: plumes



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Friday 17th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three! It's feel good Friday again, click here for a song to get you dancing, enjoy!

  • Word of the Day: peculiar



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Thursday 16th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three. What has made you smile this week? I hope you are still seeing how many smiles you can pass on in a day!

  • Word of the Day: scuttling



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Wednesday 15th July wednesday again

Happy Wednesday year three. I hope you are all okay.

  • Word of the Day: tirelessly



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Tuesday 14th July

Happy Tuesday year three, I hope you are all okay. Don't forget to look on the daily reading page for some exciting books to read this week.

  • Word of the Day: technology



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Monday 13th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Monday year three. I hope you all had a lovely weekend, it was nice to see the sunshine again. What did you get up to? I went on another long walk to make the most of the weather.

  • Word of the Day: realm



Word class:



  • English Activity:

This week we are going to use Pobble 365 for our English work.

Click on the link below and you will be shown a picture.


Look at it carefully and complete the activities on the website:

  • Question Time
  • Sick Sentences
  • Sentence Challenge
  • Story Starter
  • Perfect Picture

Friday 10th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three. Here's another 'Feel Good Friday Song' for you, I bet this one gets you moving! Have a wonderful weekend.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on the words you outlined on Monday. Let me know how you did!

  • Word of the Day: intermittent



Word class:



  • Grammar: Re-write the conversation below with the correct punctuation for direct speech (recap here).

What's the weather like? I asked my sister. She replied, It's still raining!

  • English Activity:

Click here for our book 'Belonging- Jeannie Baker'.

Today is your final day to finish publishing and illustrating your story. Please take particular care with your handwriting, so many of you were so close to getting your pen license so I would love to see how you have improved.

I can’t wait to read your stories! Please send them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Thursday 9th July Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three. I hope you have a wonderful day! Don't forget to send me your memories to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: prosper



Word class:



  • Grammar: Add either 'a' or 'an' in the sentence below.

It is ___ beautiful day for ___ picnic but make sure you bring ___ umbrella.

Today you are going to publish you work.

You will have two days to complete it. You can write or type it. You could illustrate it by drawing picture or using photographs from the book.

Wednesday 8th July Wednesday

Happy Wednesday year three. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: intensely



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you turn these words into plurals:
  1. Spy ________
  2. Jelly _______

Today you are going to proof-read and edit your writing. Here are the Editing Stations:

  • Capitalisation: Make sure you have capital letters at the start of each sentence, and for all proper nouns.
  • Punctuation: Make sure every sentence ends with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.
  • Grammar: Read each sentence carefully to make sure it makes sense.
  • Spelling: Check any words you are unsure about.

Tuesday 7th JulyBitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday year three. Don't forget to keep up with your daily reading- I have been updating the page with new books and comics each week.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: intrepid



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you think of an adjective and adverb starting with...
adjective adverb
the letter d?
the letter a?

  • English Activity:

Click here for our book 'Belonging- Jeannie Baker'.

Today you are going to start writing your ‘Belonging’ story.
Here is your success criteria, you should include (click each for help):

Monday 6th July have a good week

Happy Monday year three, I hope you had a lovely weekend. What did you get up to? Remember to send email updates and your favourite year 3 memories to my email address: mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Below are all of the Statutory Spelling words. You should now have learnt all of them! You job for the next two weeks is to look back at the spelling tests you have done during lockdown and find any you got wrong. They are you words for the next two weeks.

Today you are going to identify incorrect words and write them in your diary.

  • Word of the Day: optimist



Word class:



  • Grammar: Write a suitable conjunction in the sentence below.

I didn't go out _____ it rained.

  • English Activity:

Click here for our book 'Belonging- Jeannie Baker'.

This week you are going to be writing the story to go with ‘Belonging.’ Today your task is to plan it.

1. Watch this video about planning a story to help you.

2. You will need to tell the story in about 5 paragraphs. To plan make notes about what happens in this part of the story.

  • What? (main idea event)
  • Who?
  • Where?
  • When?
  • Why?

You may want to use the Paragraphs planning sheet.

Friday 3rd JulyBitmoji Image

Happy Friday year three! Here is another 'Feel Good Friday' song for you, I hope it gets you up on your feet! Please don't forget to send me your favourite year 3 memories for our class book to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on the words you outlined on Monday. Let me know how you did!

  • Word of the Day: tainted



Word class:



  • Grammar: Re-write the conversation below with the correct punctuation for direct speech (recap here).

You'll never guess what! Leo exclaimed excitedly. Louisa curiously asked, What's that?

  • English Activity:

Click here for our book 'Belonging- Jeannie Baker'. Watch the video again, remember to look carefully at the pictures.

Today, you are going to make some inferences about the character Tracy by creating a role on the wall. Here is an example of a role on the wall for you to refresh your mind.

  • Inside the figure, write anything you already know about her using the information in the book.
  • Around the outline, write any inferences you can make about her character. Remember to make a good inference, you use what you already know to make a guess about the character. E.g She enjoys listening to music. - We are never told this but I have used the clues in the pictures (CD on window sill) to make a good guess.

Thursday 2nd July Bitmoji Image

Happy Thursday year three, I hope you are all okay. What is something that has made you smile this week? I would love for you to share it with me. Have a lovely day!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: socialise



Word class:



  • Grammar: Underline the verb in the sentence below.

The man laughed happily.

Re-write the sentence with a different adverb to change its mood.

  • English Activity:

Click here for our book 'Belonging- Jeannie Baker'. You will notice there is no text- this means you will have to examine each picture really carefully to make sure you don't miss anything.

Click the link above, and use it to answer the questions below.

  1. How do we know the main character's name?
  2. How does Tracy become interested in gardening?
  3. How old was Tracy when she got married?
  4. Look at the back cover of the book. What kind of shop did Tracy open?
  5. Describe how the neighbourhood changed through the story.

Wednesday 1st July

Happy Wednesday year three, and welcome to a brand new month. I wonder what July has in store... hopefully more sunshine!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: blissfully



Word class:



  • Grammar: Write these verbs in the past tense:
  • I finish- ___________________
  • I skip - ____________________
  • I hop- ____________________

  • English Activity:

Tuesday 30th June Bitmoji Image

Happy Tuesday year three! It was lovely to speak to some of you on the phone yesterday. I'm glad you are all looking for those silver linings still. Please remember to send me your favourite class memories to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice your spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: affluent



Word class:



  • Grammar: Write these as contractions with apostrophes:
  • do not _______________
  • cannot _______________

  • English Activity:

You may remember that in Year 3 you studied a book called ‘Window’ by

Jeannie Baker. This week we are going to start looking at a book called ‘Belonging’ by the same author.

Today I want you to begin thinking about the book the way we always do- See, Think, Wonder, Predict. Click here to see the cover.

  • See- look at the title and the illustrations. What do you see and what does it tell you about what the book might be about?
  • Think- make connections; Text-To-Text (does it remind you of another book), Text-To-Self (does it remind you of something you've done), Text-To-World (does it remind you of a real-life event.)
  • Wonder- what questions do you have?
  • Predict- make a prediction about what the text will be about.

Monday 29th June

Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend. I went for a walk and finished it off with fish and chips! What did you do? Let me know on mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Below are all of the Statutory Spelling words. You should now have learnt all of them! You job for the next two weeks is to look back at the spelling tests you have done during lockdown and find any you got wrong. They are you words for the next two weeks.

Today you are going to identify incorrect words and write them in your diary.

  • Word of the Day: heatwave



Word class:



  • English Activity:

I need your help! For the end of the school year all of the teachers are going to produce a book of memories. Your English Task for today is to write your contribution to the book. I would like you to write about something we have done this year- something funny, something you enjoyed, a favourite moment from class. This must be completed and emailed to me by the end of this week.

Here are some of mine to jog your memory (there are too many to write):

  • Our trip to Mansfield Museum and the dressing up.
  • Our Royal Ballet Workshops, and going to see some amazing ballet dancers perform from The Royal Ballet.
  • Making our ‘Music Through the Decades’ videos- in particular Danny’s crazy dancing and Allen’s amazing singing!
  • Having our classroom (House of Commons) debate during Parliament Week.
  • Dressing up as a soldier when Major Goodwin (my dad) came to visit to tell us about working in the army.
  • Listening to some of you read out your poems in assembly during National Poetry Day.
  • Singing along to Mamma Mia and learning to play the guitar and ukele with Mr. Oakton.
  • Yoga, Just Dance and Go Noodle classroom breaks.
  • Dressing up for Sports Relief, Number Day as TT Rockstars and World Book Day.
  • Our classroom games- hit the button, bingo, around the world, Pictionary.
  • Cosy time at the end of the day reading Matilda in the book corner.

Friday 26th June

Happy feel good Friday year three! I hope you have been enjoying the sunshine this week. Here is another feel good song to make you smile and get you moving today. Have a lovely weekend.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you did! mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Word of the Day: gratitude



Word class:



  • Grammar: Which conjunction would fit best in this sentence?

Ben fell in the playground, __________ he didn’t hurt himself.

  • English Activity:

Today you are going to publish you work. You could:

  • Write it out in your neatest handwriting.
  • Type it.
  • Make a poster.
  • Make a powerpoint presentation.

I can’t wait to see the finished work!

Thursday 25th June

Happy Thursday year three! We have another beautiful day in store today, I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine- don't forget to wear sun cream! Have a wonderful day!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

appear, important, build, centre, continue, material, length, February, mention, certain

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.
  • Word of the Day: exhilarating



Word class:



  • Grammar: Circle the preposition in this sentence: The cow is in the field.

  • English Activity:

Today you are going to proof-read and edit your writing. Here are the Editing Stations:

  • Capitalisation: Make sure you have capital letters at the start of each sentence, and for all proper nouns.
  • Punctuation: Make sure every sentence ends with a full stop, exclamation mark or question mark.
  • Grammar: Read each sentence carefully to make sure it makes sense.
  • Spelling: Check any words you are unsure about.

Wednesday 24th June

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are able to enjoy the sunshine today! Don't forget to send me your picture updates to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Unjumble the words below to spell out this week's spellings.

  • Word of the Day: biographical



Word class:



  • Grammar: Recap expanded noun phrases here. Then write an expanded noun phrase about the weather today.

English Activity:

Today you are going to start writing your biography. Use the three sections from yesterday as sub-headings to help you organise your writing.

  • Background information
  • Achievements
  • Challenges

Tuesday 23rd June

Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay, this week is National Sports Week! Find out more about it here.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

appear, important, build, centre, continue, material, length, February, mention, certain

Practise this week's spellings by writing them in sentences to check you understand their meaning.

  • Word of the Day: iconic



Word class:



  • Grammar:

Join the correct prefix to each root word:

  • English Activity:

Your writing activity for this week is to write a short biography about another influential black man or woman.

Today you will simply need to research the person you choose. You will need to find out about:

  • Background information: where/ when they were born, family, school, etc.
  • Achievements: why this person is famous.
  • Challenges: what setbacks or challenges they have had to deal with.

Here is a list of people you could choose from:

  • Martin Luther King Jr
  • Harriet Tubman
  • Rosa Parks
  • Mary Seacole
  • Maya Angelou
  • Nicola Adams
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Ruby Bridges
  • Barack Obama
  • Madam CJ Walker
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Cathy Freeman
  • Billie Holiday
  • Jesse Owens

Monday 22nd June

Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend!

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

appear, important, build, centre, continue, material, length, February, mention, certain

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: hostility



Word class:



  • Grammar: Underline the correct verb to create a present perfect sentence:

Oh, no! I (has/ have) broken my pencil!

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our text '5 influential black men and women who shaped Britain'.

Read the chapter on Paul Stephenson.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

  1. When Paul was two, he was evacuated from London to the countryside. What does this mean?
  2. Which word in the text means ‘saw’?
  3. What is one example of the racism Paul saw in Bristol?
  4. Why was Paul arrested?
  5. What did the 1965 Race Relations Act make illegal?

Challenge: The title of this text is ‘influential black men and women.’ ‘Influential’ means they had an impact or effect, or they caused something to change. Which person do you think had the biggest impact, and why?

Friday 19th June

Happy Feel Good Friday year three! I hope you are all okay. Here's another feel good song (another one of my favourites) to hopefully brighten up your day whilst the sunshine is hiding.

Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you did! mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Word of the Day: stereotype



Word class:



  • English task: Grammar- Possessive Apostrophes

Look at the Apostrophe S Possessive Nouns knowledge organiser to help you (Hint: look at the sections on plural nouns.)

Follow the instructions to complete the Plural Nouns Challenge activity:

Thursday 18th June

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's English.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

describe, imagine, build, early, enough, fruit, mention, increase, answer, interest

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.
  • Word of the Day: tropical



Word class:



  • Grammar: What is the mistake in this sentence?

'I would of come but I was running late!'

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our text '5 influential black men and women who shaped Britain'.

Read the chapter on Tessa Sanderson.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Tessa Sanderson was an outstanding athlete! Here is a table of her international competitions. Study it to answer the questions.

  1. In which years did Tessa come first?
  2. How many times did Tessa compete in the Olympic Games?
  3. What’s the longest distance Tessa threw the javelin in these competitions?
  4. For how many years did Tessa compete internationally?
  5. What’s the difference between Tessa’s best and worst throws?

Challenge: Display this information in a graph.

Wednesday 17th June

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's English.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Unscramble the words below to find your spellings:

  • Word of the Day: segregated



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you unjumble these maths words?

lcirce __________

ghiet __________

  • English Activity

Click here to read our text '5 influential black men and women who shaped Britain'.

Read the chapter on Charles R Drew.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Answer the following questions:

  1. What made Charles interested in studying medicine?
  2. Where did he study medicine?
  3. What did Charles discover about separating blood?
  4. What word in the text means ordered/ commanded?
  5. Why did Charles resign from his job?

Tuesday 16th June

Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay. When I spoke to some of you on the phone, you said you were really missing each other. I miss teaching you lots! I hope this cheers you up a little...

Have a wonderful day!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Find this week's spellings in the word search:

describe, imagine, build, early, enough, fruit, mention, increase, answer, interest

  • Word of the Day: identity



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you think of a noun and a verb beginning with…

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our text '5 influential black men and women who shaped Britain'.

Read the chapter on Seaman William Brown.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Seaman William Brown was kicked out of the Navy when it was discovered she was a woman! Imagine the scandal! Your task today is to write a newspaper report telling the public what has happened.

Some things to remember:

  • A headline that grabs the readers’ attention- as few words as possible.
  • A picture with a caption.
  • Include the facts- who, what, when, where, how.
  • Include a quote from an expert or witness.

Here is a newspaper template you can use if you wish.

Monday 15th June

Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend! Another week in our new normal. What are you grateful for this week? I am grateful that I can call my family and friends to stay in touch!

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

describe, imagine, build, early, enough, fruit, mention, increase, answer, interest

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: persistent



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you join pairs of these six words to make three compound words?

earth farm black yard board quake

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our text '5 influential black men and women who shaped Britain'.

Read the chapter on Harold Moody.

Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Answer the following questions:

  1. Where did Harold train to be a doctor?
  2. What word in the text means to refuse to give something?
  3. What kind of racism did Harold face?
  4. Find out what the word ‘visionary’ means.
  5. Order these events by putting numbers in the boxes. The first one has been done for you.

Friday 12th June

Happy Friday year three! I hope you are all okay today! Click here for a feel good Friday song, I hope it makes you smile. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you did! mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Word of the Day: donate



Word class:



  • English task: Grammar- Possessive Apostrophes

Watch this video to recap possessive apostrophes.

Look at this Apostrophe S Possessive Nouns knowledge organiser to help you (Hint: look at the section on singular nouns.)

Follow the instructions to complete:

Thursday 11th June

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's English.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

circle, Earth, breathe, guide, famous, history, often, busy, consider, forward

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.
  • Word of the Day: estimated



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you write the plural forms of these singular nouns?
  1. Toy: ­­­­­__________
  2. Fox: __________
  3. Fly: __________
  • English Activity:

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Larry Page and Sergey Brin (p40-44). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Which do you think is the most important piece of new technology discussed in this book?


  • Do some further research on the technology and write a short report about it


  • Write a short argument explaining why you think that technology is the most important.

Wednesday 10th June

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's English.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Unscramble the words below to find your spellings:

  • Word of the Day: sewage



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you improve this sentence by adding an expanded noun phrase?

The house stood on the hill.

  • English Activity

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Bill Gates (p33-39). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Complete the Tech Words worksheet (click).

Tuesday 9th June

Happy Tuesday year three! I hope you are all okay, here's today's English.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Find this week's spellings in the word search:

circle, Earth, breathe, guide, famous, history, often, busy, consider, forward

  • Word of the Day: profit



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you write a pair of homophones to match the clues?
  • The brightest star in the sky. __________
  • Someone’ child that is a boy. __________

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Tim Berners-Lee (p27-32). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Answer the following questions:

1. What did Tim Berners-Lee invent? (p27)

2. How did playing with model railways help Tim? (p29)

3. In what year did the first ever website go online? (p30)

4. Why did Tim tell everyone how to create their own web pages for free? (p31)

5. How much money has Tim made from inventing the World Wide Web? (p31)

Monday 8th June

Happy Monday year three! I hope you are all okay and had a lovely weekend! Don't forget to send me your updates to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

circle, Earth, breathe, guide, famous, history, often, busy, consider, forward

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: device



Word class:



  • Grammar: Choose the best conjunction to fill the gap in each sentence:
  1. You will not be allowed into the cinema __________ you have a ticket.
  2. He took the penalty __________ he had hurt his leg.
  3. They lit the camp fire __________ it was getting cold.

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Steve Jobs (p21-26). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Because of Steve Jobs people today can take a computer, tablet, phone, ipod with them wherever they go. There was a time when we couldn’t have imagined being able to do this! Design a computer of the future. What cool new functions would it have?

Friday 5th June

Happy Friday year three! I hope you are all okay today! Click here for a feel good Friday song, it will definitely get you moving. Have a wonderful weekend!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you did! mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Word of the Day: mosaic



Word class:



  • English task: Grammar- Possessive Apostrophes

Watch this video to recap possessive apostrophes.

Look at this Apostrophe S Possessive Nouns knowledge organiser to help you (Hint: look at the section on singular nouns.)

Follow the instructions to complete the Missing Apostrophe activity.

Thursday 4th June

Happy Thursday year three! I hope you are all okay, does anybody else feel like they need a little pep talk this morning? (Scroll down for today's work)

"If you want to change the world, you've got to learn about it!"

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

minute, material, length, certain, arrive, heart, difficult, recent, library, height

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.
  • Word of the Day: launch



Word class:



  • Grammar: Add inverted commas to this direct speech sentence:

Would you like to come to a tea party? asked the Queen.

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Susan Kare (p15-20). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Susan Kare designed icons using little blocks called pixels (see p17-18.) Use some squared paper to make your own pixel picture.

Wednesday 3rd June

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay. I put another story video up yesterday, you can watch it here.

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Unscramble the words below to find your spellings:

  • Word of the Day: inspired



Word class:



  • Grammar: Add a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark to the end of this sentence:

What big teeth you have, grandma

  • English Activity

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Shigeru Miyamoto (p9-14). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Shigeru uses his personal life for inspiration for his games (see p12). Use the Shigeru Miyamoto method to invent a computer game and character – what would they look like? What would they do?

Don't forget to email me your creations! (Mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk)

Tuesday 2nd June

Happy Tuesday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay. Don't forget your daily reading today. I will also be putting up another video reading to you, so look out for that!

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Find this week's spellings in the word search:

minute, material, length, certain, arrive, heart, difficult, recent, library, height

  • Word of the Day: calculations



Word class:



  • Grammar: Underline all the verbs in this sentence:

Jamie stirred the cake mixture, poured it into the tin and put it in the oven.

  • English Activity:

Click here to read our book 'Game changers- Computer Pioneers'.

Read the chapter on Grace Hopper (p3-8). Don’t forget that the most important thing is understanding the text. So, as you read, if you find a word you don’t know- stop reading and find out what it means!

Answer the following questions:
1. What subject was Grace interested in at school? (p4)

2. Why couldn’t Grace join the Navy the first time she applied? (p4)

3. How big was the Mark I computer? (p5)

4. How was the term ‘computer bug’ invented? (p6)

5. What language did Grace create? (p7)

If you would like to learn more about Grace Hopper click here.

Monday 1st June

Happy Monday year three and welcome to a brand new month...

I hope you all had a lovely rest this week and had the chance to make the most of the sunshine! What have you been doing? Let me know with your email updates!

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

minute, material, length, certain, arrive, heart, difficult, recent, library, height

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: pioneer



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you add an adjective to this sentence?

The ­­­­­__________ snake slithered through the grass.

  • English Activity:

Today we are going to start reading a new book! Here is the cover.

Today I want you to begin thinking about the book the way we always do- See, Think, Wonder, Predict.

  • See- look at the title and the illustrations. What do you see and what does it tell you about what the book might be about?
  • Think- make connections; Text-To-Text (does it remind you of another book), Text-To-Self (does it remind you of something you've done), Text-To-World (does it remind you of a real-life event.)
  • Wonder- what questions do you have?
  • Predict- make a prediction about what the text will be about.

Friday 22nd May

Happy Friday Nightingales! There will be no work set next week as it is 'half-term'. It is a great opportunity for you to have a rest and hopefully enjoy the sunshine.

We are in a strange and uncertain time, but what is certain is that we are living something that will make history. So, it is a good idea to try and capture this time to look back on- you could use next week to do this, I know a lot of you already are. You might want to write a lockdown diary, make a scapbook or create a time capsule like this one.

Have a wonderful week year 3 and keep looking for silver linings!

Click here for an important message from me.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask someone to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you did! mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Word of the Day: demand



Word class:



  • Grammar: Place the homophones ‘seen’ and ‘scene’ correctly in this sentence:

Have you __________ the __________ in the movie where the dinosaur appears?

Now, can you write the homophones ‘meat’ and ‘meet’ in one sentence?

  • English task:

Read the poem ‘The Myth of the Minotaur' here.

Imagine that ‘The Myth of the Minotaur’ is going to be released as a children’s book. Your job is to design the front cover for the book. Don't forget to send me your wonderful creations!

Thursday 21st May

Happy Thursday Nightingales! Have you seen our second video message for you? Watch it here, and remember that you have a friend in us!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

notice, extreme, group, centre, island, guard, quarter. February, heard, century

Choose one of the activities we usually use to practice spellings:

  • Rainbow Words
  • Diamond Words
  • Look-Say-Cover-Write-Check
  • Letter Boxes
  • Segmenting
  • Write the definition for each of your spelling words
  • Write a sentence using each of your spelling words.

  • Word of the Day: courageous



Word class:



  • Grammar: Add the prefixes inter-, auto- or anti- to these root words:
  1. active _______________
  2. social _______________
  3. pilot _______________

  • English task:

Read the poem ‘The Myth of the Minotaur' here.

After you have read the poem, you are going to have a go at re-telling the story of ‘The Myth of the Minotaur’ from the point of view of either Theseus or the Minotaur today- your choice!

Wednesday 20th May

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! Did you know that it is mental health awareness week? Have a look at our mindfulness page to find ways to be kind to your mind as we get used to our new normal!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Unscramble the letters below to find this week's spellings:

  • Word of the Day: gore



Word class:



  • Grammar: Write an exclamation sentence and a question sentence about this picture.

  • English task:

Read the poem ‘The Myth of the Minotaur' here.

Divide a piece of paper into six parts like this:

In the top three boxes write what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story of the Minotaur. In the boxes underneath draw a picture to go with each part.

Tuesday 19th May

Happy Tuesday Nightingales! Can you remember how to say Tuesday in French? I'll give you a clue: "Who are you calling mardy?" Have a lovely day!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Find this week's spellings in the word search:

notice, extreme, group, centre, island, guard, quarter. February, heard, century

  • Word of the Day: insatiable



Word class:



  • Grammar: Write these verbs in their past tense form:
  1. I bring _______________
  2. I buy ________________
  3. I deal _______________
  4. I freeze _______________

  • English task:

Read the information 'Origins of the Myth' here (scroll down to after the poem). Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who was Minos?

2. Use a dictionary to find out the meaning of the word ‘ceremony.’

3. What does an archaeologist do?

4. What sport was popular in ancient Crete?

5. What do historians know about the real Theseus?

King Minos was supposed to have lived in a palace in Crete, in a place called Knossos. Today you can visit the ruins at Knossos- take a virtual tour right now by clicking here! See what you can find out about either the island of Crete or the palace of Knossos and create a fact file.

Monday 18th May

Happy Monday Nightingales! I hope you had a lovely weekend. Another week at our new normal, I miss teaching you in the classroom very much. I hope you are all keeping safe and positive.

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

notice, extreme, group, centre, island, guard, quarter. February, heard, century

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: monstrous

Def: Having the ugly or frightening appearance of a monster


Word class:



  • Grammar: Add in the correct verbs to make this a present perfect sentence:

The firefighters __________ __________ to put out the fire.

  • English task:

Read the poem ‘The Myth of the Minotaur' here. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean.

Answer the following questions:

1. Whose pet was the Minotaur?

2. Why did the king put people into the labyrinth?

3. Find the word in the poem that means shout/ yell.

4. How did Theseus find his way out of the maze?

5. Who helped him?

Use the description in the poem to draw a picture of the Minotaur. Don't forget to send them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Friday 15th May

Happy Friday Nightingales! It's feel good Friday again, what are 3 things that have made you smile this week? Mine are the sunshine, my dogs and your Greek stories. Have a lovely weekend!

  • Spelling: 'y' as an 'i' sound

Ask a grown up to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you get on!

  • Word of the Day: shortage



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you invent a direct speech sentence that Ben (the boy in this picture) might be saying?

  • English task:

Today you are going to finish publishing your story in whichever way you choose. Some of you have made amazing starts! You could draw some illustrations for your story if you think you have finished. Please send your finished stories to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk so that I can show them off here! I can't wait to read them.

Thursday 14th May

Happy Thursday year three! Today is another story day, I will let you know when the read aloud video is on the website. I hope you have a lovely day!

  • Spelling: 'y' as an 'i' sound

bicycle, mystery, gymnastics, Egypt, pyramid, mythical, lyrics, crystal

Practise this week's spellings using one of the strategies below:

  • Word of the Day: scrounge



Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you write a definition for each of these homophone word?
  1. Peace __________________________________________________
  2. Piece ___________________________________________________

  • English task:

Today you are going to start publishing your story, but I want you to choose how to do it. You could:

  • Write it out in your best handwriting or type it.
  • Make a book.
  • Make it into a cartoon.
  • Make a Powerpoint Presentation.

Perhaps you can think of a different way, be creative! You have two days to complete it. I can’t wait to read them!

Wednesday 13th May

Happy Wednesday year three! I hope you are all okay, can you remember what Wednesday is in French? Practise your French days of the week here.

Have a lovely day!

  • Spellings: 'y' as an 'i' sound

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

1. Unicorns are mithical animals.

2. He rode his bisycle quickly throught the woods.

3. I went to visit the pirimids in Egyppt.

Can you write sentences for the other words? gymnatics, mystery, crystal, lyrics

  • Word of the Day: spherical

Def: shaped like a sphere


Word class:



  • Grammar: Fill in the missing word - ‘a’ or ‘an’ - in this sentence.

Cerise went to the shop and she bought _____ dozen eggs, bag of flour and _____ Easter card.

  • English task:

Today we are going to continue with our writing process, the next stage is editing.

Use the editing guide below to help you make sure your writing is your best- use it as a checklist. We have done lots of editing in the classroom so show these skills off! Here's a helpful video too. (CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS)

Tuesday 12th May

Happy Tuesday year three! Remember to do some reading each day, what have you read recently? I will be uploading another story video for you on the #Miss.Goodwinreads page today.

Have a lovely day!

  • Spelling: 'y' as an 'i' sound

Fill in the gaps to complete this week's spellings:








  • Word of the Day: speculate

Def: form an idea without proof


Word class:



  • Grammar: Add two different subordinating conjunctions to these sentences:
  1. Dolphins breath oxygen __________ they are mammals.
  2. Many people believe they are fish __________ they live in water.
  • English task:

Today you are going to finish the draft for your story!

Don't forget to use the 'ingredients' on your success criteria and your story graph to help you.

If you are struggling for ideas, this video gives you different ways to start a sentence.

Imagine me singing CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS in your heads.

Be creative and have fun, I can't wait to see where your stories go! Please email them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Monday 11th May

Happy Monday Nightingales! I hope you had a wonderful weekend, it was lovely to see your VE day celebrations, I'm glad you were able to safely celebrate the day and enjoy the sunshine.

Here's today's English:

  • Spelling: 'y' as an 'i' sound

bicycle, mystery, gymnastics, Egypt, pyramid, mythical, lyrics, crystal

Practise the spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: snarling

Def: making an aggressive growl


Word class:



  • Grammar: Complete the table by turning these adjectives into adverbs. The first one has been done for you.
  • English task:

Today you are authors, you are going to start writing your story!

Don't forget to use the 'ingredients' on your success criteria and your story graph to help you.

If you are struggling for ideas, this video gives you different ways to start a sentence.

You will have two days to complete your draft, so write as much or as little as you want today. Imagine me singing CAPITAL LETTERS AND FULL STOPS in your heads.

Be creative and have fun, I can't wait to see where your stories go!

Thursday 7th May

Happy Thursday Nightingales! Today is like our Friday, because it is VE day tomorrow, I will not be posting any work on here, but if you would like to get creative and make some VE decorations and find out what the day is all about, click here. I know some of you are having social distant 'street parties', I hope you enjoy them!

I hope you have a lovely weekend!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Ask a grown up to test you on this week's spellings. Let me know how you get on!

  • Word of the Day: anxiety

Def: A feeling of worry or nervousness


Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you underline the main clause in this sentence and circle the subordinating conjunction?

Stone Age men were very skilled hunters because they had to catch their own food to survive.

  • English task:

Today we are going to go back to the features that we looked at on Monday and make a Boxed Success Criteria for your story.

Purpose: To Entertain

Effects: what do you want people to think or feel as they read your story?

Success Criteria: which of the features will help get the effects you want?

Examples: add some examples of the features that you can use in your story.

Wednesday 6th May

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! I miss you all making me laugh.

What's your favourite joke? Ask a grown up to email me and I will share them here. Have a look at the maths page for my joke, the answer is...

...The one with the comfortable lead! (Told you I had a rubbish taste in jokes)

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

1. She was the owner of a successful busyness.

2. Carrot cake is Miss. Goodwin's favorite.

3. He herd the wind whistling in the night.

Can you write sentences for the other words? actually, consider, disappear, enough, guard, interest, knowledge

  • Word of the Day: hesitated

Def: paused before doing/ saying something


Word class:



  • Grammar: Place a tick in each row to show how you would form the plural version of the noun:

  • English task:

Today you are going to start thinking about the next chapter of the story- after all it does say: To Be Continued…

Think about Cronos- where is he, what could he be planning next? Have you learnt anything from your topic work about the Gods that you could include? Keep thinking about the features you looked at yesterday.

You are going to use the story graph to plan your chapter. You will need to include:

  • Sizzling Start: to grab the reader’s attention
  • Backfill: explain who the characters are
  • Problems: tighten the tension as you go through the story
  • Exciting Ending: the climax, the most exciting part
  • Character Resolution: what happened when it was all over

Display today's work in a way that works best for you, you could draw out a graph like the one below and add writing, write out a plan or draw a story board.

Tuesday 5th May

Happy Tuesday Nightingales!

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

actually, business, consider, disappear, enough, favourite, guard, heard, interest, knowledge

Practise the ten words using . Find the full Y3/4 spelling list here (or in your diary and home learning pack).

  • Word of the Day: studious

Def: spends a lot of time studying


Word class:



  • Grammar: Draw lines to the correct word endings. -gue or -que

  • English task:

Today we are going to start thinking about some writing. Your writing task is going to be to write the next instalment of the Titans’ adventures. But we’re not going to jump right in. We are going to go through the process we would usually go through at that school, and that means we need to start with identifying the features of a myth.

You are going to be a detective, hunting for writing features. See if you can find examples of these features in the text below (‘Perseus and Medusa’) and underline them in different colours/ circle them/ make a list.


  • Good and evil characters
  • Has Gods in the story
  • Has fantastical creatures or monsters
  • Descriptions or characters and places
  • Correctly punctuated dialogue
  • Expanded noun phrases for descriptions. (click for help)
  • Fronted adverbials to vary sentence openers. (click for help)

Perseus and Medusa
Long, long ago, in ancient Greece, there lived a vindictive king named Polydectus who was keen to marry the mother of Perseus, Danae. Polydectus knew that Perseus would not allow his mother to marry him so the manipulative king sent Perseus away on a quest, not expecting him to return. “Bring me the head of the monster Medusa,” blasted the King, “and I will not bother your mother again!”
Medusa (who was as ugly as a gargoyle) was a hideous creature. With claw-like hands and tusks for teeth, the monster was the most fearsome in the land. Instead of hair, Medusa had live, venomous snakes that hissed constantly like a tap that had been left on. Her skin had a loathsome, greenish tinge and she had the devil’s eyes. She was the loneliest and most miserable creature for anyone who made eye contact with her would instantly be turned to stone.
Knowing that he was facing an impossible mission, Perseus, who normally feared nothing, went to the Temple of Athena to pray for help. The gods heard his prayers and granted him some gifts. These were a razor-sharp sword, a brightly-polished shield and sack for the monster’s head. Perseus – who was now feeling more confident about his quest - set off.
After a long and difficult journey, Perseus eventually arrived at Medusa’s gloomy, death-filled lair. Courageously, he tiptoed up to the entrance and stopped, peering and listening. A wave of terror washed over him. All around him were stone statues of others who had tried and failed to defeat the hideous gorgon. How could he defeat a creature that he could not directly look at? Then an idea came to him! He remembered the gifts from the gods. While using his shield to look at the reflection of Medusa, he swung his sword and, with one clean sweep, cut off her head!
Positioning the head in his sack, Perseus headed to confront the evil king. On his return, a bewildered Polydectus demanded, “Show me the head!” Perseus carefully opened the sack and Polydectus gazed deeply into the Gorgon’s eyes. In an instant, he was turned to stone. Perseus had succeeded in his mission so he and his mother were now safe.

Optional task: Could you draw a picture/ comic strip for this part of the story?

Monday 4th May

Happy Monday Nightingales! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Here is today's English, 'May the fourth' be with you...

  • Spelling: year 3/4 spellings

actually, business, consider, disappear, enough, favourite, guard, heard, interest, knowledge

Practise the ten words using some of the strategies we have looked at in class e.g. pyramid, draw around the word, rainbow writing. Find the full Y3/4 spelling list here (or in your diary and home learning pack).

  • Word of the Day: eager

Def: strongly wanting to do/ have something


Word class:



  • Grammar: Add inverted commas around all of the direct speech in the sentence below:

Get out your spelling books, please, requested the teacher politely. Does everyone have a pencil?

  • English task: Possessive Apostrophes

Today we are going to look at using apostrophes to show possession, or who something belongs to.
For example, look at this sentence: Mrs Allen’s hat blew away.
The apostrophe before the ‘s’ shows that the hat belonged to Mrs Allen.
1. Look at the 'Apostrophe S Possessive Nouns' knowledge organiser below to help you:

2. Watch the video and take the quiz on possessive apostrophes here.

3. Complete the activity below. Can you write your own sentences using a possessive apostrophe?

Friday 1st May

Happy Friday year three and welcome to a brand new month...

Have you seen our video message to you? Watch it here. I am missing you all, I hope it puts a smile on your face this feel good Friday!

Have a wonderful day.

  • Spelling: 'ly' suffix

Click here to take today's spelling test. Please put in your name at the start so that I can see your score, you do not need to sign up. You need your sound on!

  • Word of the Day: elegant

Def: graceful in appearance or manner


Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you up-level this sentence by adding an adverb, a conjunction and extra detail?

The lion’s claws are sharp.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 8: Stay Alert, Titans! Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Read p59. Why is Ares sulking?
  2. Read p60. Find the word in the text that means ‘covered’.
  3. Read p61. “The Titan children exchanged looks and rolled their eyes.” Why did they do that?
  4. Apollo says that they will have to stay alert. What does ‘alert’ mean?
  5. Why is the chapter called ‘Stay Alert, Titans!’

Write a review of the story. You could include:

  • What you liked about it
  • What you didn’t like about it.
  • Anything you didn’t understand.
  • A reading recommendation.

Thursday 30th April

Happy Thursday Nightingales! I hope you have a wonderful day.

  • Spellings: 'ly' suffix

classically, basically, frantically, dramatically, gently, simply, humbly

Practise this week's spellings using one of the strategies below:

  • Word of the Day: paddock

Def: small field or enclosure where horses are kept or exercised


Word class:



  • Grammar: Can you fill in the missing verbs to create past progressive sentences?
  1. The children were __________ a really interesting nature documentary.
  2. Kristy was __________ next to her brother.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 7: Battlefields and Sheep Fields. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Look at p54. It says that the Cyclopes had assembled on a grassy slope. What does ‘assembled’ mean?
  2. Read p55. Why did the Cyclopes turn round?
  3. What did Zeus give to Denis?
  4. How is Basil showing that he is pleased?
  5. Read 58. Find the word that means ‘drooped.’
  6. Choose one of the Cyclopes and write a description of them. Remember to use lots of expanded noun phrases (click for help)!

e.g. The mighty, hair-raising Cyclops with one colossal eye towered above Athena.

Wednesday 29th April

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay. It is lovely to see your work updates so please make sure you send them to me at mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • Spellings: 'ly' suffix

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

1. The lady franticly searched for the ticket in her bag.

2. "Baseiclly, that's your answer," the teacher said.

3. The actress humbley accepted her award.

Can you write sentences for the other words? classically, dramatically, gently, simply

  • Word of the Day: doomed

Def: likely to have an unfortunate outcome, cursed


Word class:



  • Grammar: This preposition has become jumbled. Can you work out what it is?


Now, use the preposition in a sentence.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 6: An Impossible Mission. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Read p40. Why did Athena think her aunt would be horrified?
  2. Which word in this sentence means certainly: ‘”They are definitely not on Dad’s side anymore,” panted Athena.’
  3. Which sibling thinks they should fight the Cyclopes and not tell their dad?
  4. What sound could Apollo and Athena hear coming from inside the temple?
  5. At the end of the chapter, Apollo tells Athena she’s brilliant. Why?
  • Zeus says that Professor Homer writes poems about their fights. Could you write one? Have a go!

Tuesday 28th April

Happy Tuesday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay. Make sure you check the #MissGoodwinreads page today for another story. Have a wonderful day!

  • Spellings: 'ly' suffix

classically, basically, frantically, dramatically, gently, simply, humbly

Practise this week's spellings using one of the strategies we have looked at.

  • Word of the Day: lumbered

Def: move in a slow, heavy way


Word class:



  • Grammar: Add the prefixes tele- or tri- to these root words:
  1. __________port
  2. __________angle
  3. __________cycle

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 5: The Cyclopes Assemble! Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. On p34 it says that the Cyclopes looked at Athena ‘with resentment.’ What does that mean?
  2. Match the Cyclopes:
Phil Used to be the librarian
Denis Said, ‘Nobody ever bothers with us.’
Doris The leader.
Basil Has a beard as bushy as Denis’.
  1. What are some of the things that the Cyclopes have never been thanked for?
  2. Read p38. Why did the librarian Cyclops get into trouble?
  3. Read p39. Phil says to Athena, ‘Run along before we get hungry.’ What is her threatening her with?

Imagine you are one of the Cyclopes. Write a letter to Zeus, telling him about your complaints.

Monday 27th April

Happy Monday Nightingales! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Do you have any happy news you want to share? I have been putting some uplifting 'happy news' stories on the mindfuless page here, I think they will put a smile on your face.

  • Spellings: 'ly' suffix

classically, basically, frantically, dramatically, gently, simply, humbly

Look at the root word below and then the word with 'ly' suffix- what do you notice? How do the words change when you add '-ly'?

The rules are:

If the word ends with 'ic' you need to add 'ally'.

If the word ends with 'le', you take away the 'le' and replace it with 'ly'.

Practise the eight words using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: impatiently

Def: in a restless way, not wanting to wait


Word class:



  • Grammar: Which homophone fits in these sentences? (heel/heal)
  1. Fahad had a nasty cut on his leg but it was beginning to__________ .
  2. The __________ of Cassie’s wellington boot had a hole in it and it was letting in water.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 4: A Family Conference. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Put the following events in the right order by numbering them 1-4:

2. Look at p27. Why is Hermes described as ‘the speedster’?

3. Look at p27. What is a ‘forge’?

4. Look at p30. When Hermes arrives back, how does the author show that he is worried?

5. Read p32. Find the word that means, ‘to wave something about.’

Athena asked Hermes to tell her exactly what Cronos had said to the Cyclopes. Imagine you are Cronos- what would you have said to them to persuade them to help you? Write a speech- be persuasive!

Friday 24th April

It is feel good Friday! What is your favourite song to put you in a good mood? Please share it with me at mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk so that I can add it to our class happy music playlist. When in doubt, dance it out!

  • Spelling- recapping last term (suffixes)

Click here to take today's spelling test. Please put in your name at the start so that I can see your score, you do not need to sign up. You need your sound on!

  • Word of the Day: peered

Def: look at something with difficulty


Word class:



  • Grammar: Identify the prepositions in these sentences:
  1. The frightened boy hid behind the jagged rock.
  2. The girl, who was wearing a sun hat, was sitting under the umbrella.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 3: Don’t Tell Zeus! Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. Is Apollo really going to eat his harp? What does he mean when he says this?
  2. Why is Zeus a better king than Cronos?
  3. Read p22. Which word shows that Athena knows she should have done something, but hasn’t?
  4. Why did Cronos want to eat Zeus?
  5. Why does Apollo not want to tell Zeus about Cronos’ plans?

Athena says they will deal with the problem themselves. If you were in her shoes, what would your plan be?

Thursday 23rd April

Happy Thursday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay, I am so impressed with the work on 'Class of the Titans' that I have seen, keep it up! Remember to keep up your daily reading. I am putting another video of my reading a story today so look out for that here (it's a good one).

  • Spelling- recapping last term (suffixes)

happiness, happily, hopeful, hopeless, kindness, carefully, caring, carelessness

Practise this week's spellings using one of the strategies below:

  • Word of the Day: conquer

Def: overcome something, take control


Word class:



  • Grammar: There are three clumsy spelling mistakes in this sentence. Can you find them and correct them?

Last night, I saw an illusionist, who was a member of the magic sircle, perform varyous piculiar tricks at a local magic show.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 2: Cronos Plans A Getaway. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:

  1. On p15 it says: ‘“Grandfather Cronos?” Athena’s eyes widened.’ Why did her eyes widen?
  2. Uncles Hades is described as being too soft-hearted. What does it mean to be soft-hearted?
  3. Want does Cronos want to do?
  4. On p17 which word means begging?
  5. Read p18. Why did Hades giggle when he said the Cyclopes would keep an eye on Cronos?

Make a prediction about what will happen next.

Wednesday 22nd April

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay, it was lovely to speak to some of you and your grown ups on the phone yesterday. You've all been very busy, and I'm so happy you're all keeping positive.

  • Spelling- recapping last term (suffixes)

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

  1. In the end, they lived happilly ever after.
  2. He opened the door with a hopful smile.
  3. Year three careffuly completed their work.
  4. Because of her carelesness, she tripped over the bag.

Can you write sentences for the other words? happiness, hopeless, kindness, caring

  • Word of the Day: forbidden

Def: not allowed, banned


Word class:



  • Grammar: Are these sentences commands, exclamations, statements or questions?
  1. Did you see the news
  2. How terrible that is
  3. Put that down
  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read Chapter 1: The Forbidden Room. Don’t forget to annotate the text as you read- highlight any words you don’t know and find out what they mean. Write a summary of the chapter in one or two sentences.

Answer the following questions:
1. Which word in the following sentence shows how Athena was feeling? With a contented sigh, Athena flopped back against a tree trunk and gazed down at the tree-lined slopes of the mountains.

2. How did Athena feel when she was compared to Apollo?

3. Look at p11. Why is the text, ‘I bet Professor Homer’s relaxing in the sunshine right now, while I do all the work’ in italics?

4. Read p13. Who did the fiery eyes belong to?

5. Read p13. Which word in the text means threatening/ ominous?

Begin a role on the wall for Athena. Draw an outline of her body.

Inside write down all the characteristics of her personality. Around the outside record your evidence/ proof from the text. Keep adding to this as you read the book.

Tuesday 21st April

Happy Tuesday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay. Please take the time to have a look at Millie's beautiful poem here, I am sure it will brighten your day like it did mine.

I have a special treat for you coming today on the daily reading page so keep your eyes peeled. (Miss. Goodwin the youtuber?)

  • Spelling- recapping last term (suffixes)

happiness, happily, hopeful, hopeless, kindness, carefully, caring, carelessness

Use some of the strategies we have looked at in class to practise these words e.g. pyramid, draw around the word, rainbow writing

  • Word of the Day: glorious

Def: splendid or having beauty


Word class:



  • Grammar: Identify the verbs in this sentence: Tomorrow, my team are playing in the cup final and I am the top goal scorer.

  • English task:

Click here to read Class of the Titans: The Cyclopes' Rebellion.

Read p4 & 5- The Titan Children: Who’s Who and p 6 & 7- The Titan Family Tree. Answer the following questions:

  1. Which god is the god of fire?
  2. Put the following family members in order from youngest to oldest- Ares, Cronos, Zeus.
  3. One of Apollo’s interests is ‘writing epic poems.’ What does epic mean here?
  4. What is Ares the god of?
  5. What are the names of the brothers and sisters of Zeus?

Look at the word ‘cyclopes.’ It is the plural of the word cyclops, eg. one cyclops, several cyclopes. It is an irregular plural, which means that you don’t make the plural by adding an ‘s’. Here’s another one- to make the plural of man we don’t add an ‘s' to make mans, but change it to men. How many other irregular plurals can you think of?

Monday 20th April

Happy Monday Nightingales! I hope you have had a lovely Easter break, making lots of memories. Remember you can keep me updated on mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

I hope you're all okay, what do you miss the most about school? I miss your morning smiles a lot!

Here's today's English:

  • Spelling- recapping last term (suffixes)

happiness, happily, hopeful, hopeless, kindness, carefully, caring, carelessness

Practise this week's spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • Word of the Day: rebellion

Def: the act of resisting control/ authority


Word class:



  • Grammar

Can you add two adjectives and an appropriate punctuation mark into this sentence to describe the train?

The __________ __________ train sped past the station.

  • English task

Here is this week's book.

Today I want you to begin thinking about the book the way we always do- See, Think, Wonder, Predict.

  • See- look at the title and the illustrations. What do you see and what does it tell you about what the book might be about?
  • Think- make connections; Text-To-Text (does it remind you of another book), Text-To-Self (does it remind you of something you've done), Text-To-World (does it remind you of a real-life event.)
  • Wonder- what questions do you have?
  • Predict- make a prediction about what the text will be about.

Happy Easter!

Have a look at your Easter Challenge here!

I will update the daily reading page with books for each book band so that you can keep reading. Below I have also put the rest of Matilda so we can finish it together (read it here or listen here).

Matilda related activities:

Friday 3rd April

Happy Friday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay, have a lovely weekend. I will be putting an egg-citing Easter challenge on the website later so keep your eyes peeled! Miss you all.

  • Word of the Day: horrifying

Definition: extremely shocking.

Word Class:




  • Spelling: Year 3/4 spellings

Click here to take today's spelling test. Please put in your name at the start so that I can see your score, you do not need to sign up.

  • English task:

Today is your day to get creative with your writing!

I would like you to imagine that you have been forced to visit Miss Root! Write about your trip to the Demon Dentist and make sure it sounds truly horrifying!

Remember to read your writing back and check for CAPITAL LETTERS and PUNCTUATION. I can't wait to read them! Please email them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Thursday 2nd April

Happy Thursday Nightingales! I hope you are all okay.

  • Word of the Day: flawless

Definition: without imperfections or defects.

Word Class:




  • Spelling: Year 3/4 spellings

interest, knowledge, learn, notice, quarter, straight, remember, special, surprise, weight

Use some of the strategies we have looked at in class to practise these words e.g. pyramid, draw around the word, rainbow writing

  • English task:

Later in the book, Alfie has a dreaded dental appointment! He says:

“Don’t worry, I can easily get the bus there myself from school tomorrow afternoon.”

The town’s bus service had a long-standing reputation for being unreliable. Of course, Alfie had no intention of going anywhere near the dentist, and with the bus service being what it was, he would have a long list of possible excuses as to why he didn’t make his appointment:'

... and here are his excuses!

They're pretty creative excuses! But can you come up with some even more outrageous ones?

Wednesday 1st April

Happy Wednesday Nightingales! I loved your pictures of Miss. Root yesterday, I could definitely see the stilt legs and ice-cream hair. Have a look at them on the your work page.

  • Word of the Day: dazzling

Definition: almost blinding with too much bright light.

Word Class:




  • Spelling: Year 3/4 spellings

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

1. I want to lurn another language.

2. Use a ruler to draw a strate line.

3. I have a speshal suprise for my friend's birthday.

Can you write sentences for the other words? interest, knowledge, notice, quarter, remember, weight

English task:

Today you are going to be thinking more deeply about the character of Miss Root. Begin by re-reading the description of Miss Root from yesterday. While you are reading, remember all the work we've done on annotating to make sure you understand everything.

You are going to complete a 'character profile' of Miss Root. You are looking at her physical characteristics, and making inferences about what this tells you about her character.

Here is a picture of Miss Root to help you.

Try to use a quotation from the story to support each of your points. It has been started for you in the table below.

Tuesday 31st March

Happy Tuesday Nightingales! Have you seen the happy news stories on our mindfulness page? I'm sure they will give you a giggle. E-mail me your favourite.

Here's today's English:

  • Word of the Day: blood-curdling

Definition: causing extreme fright.

Word Class:




  • Spelling: Year 3/4 spellings

interest, knowledge, learn, notice, quarter, straight, remember, special, surprise, weight

Use some of the strategies we have looked at and this game to practise the spellings.

English task:

First read the prologue below.

Darkness had come to the town. Strange things were happening in the dead of night. Children would put a tooth under their pillow at bedtime, excitedly waiting for the tooth fairy to leave a coin. In the morning they would wake up to find something unspeakable under there. A dead slug. A live spider. Hundreds and hundreds of earwigs creeping and crawling beneath their pillow. Or worse. Much worse… Someone or something had come into their bedrooms in the hours of darkness, snatched the tooth and left a blood-curdling calling card behind.
Evil was at work.
But who or what was behind it?
How could they sneak into children’s bedrooms without being seen?
And what could they possibly want with all those teeth…?

We read in the Prologue:

‘Strange things are happening’

•‘They … find something unspeakable’

‘Someone or something had come into their bedrooms’

1. Why do these particular phrases add more mystery to what is happening in the town?

2. Look at these questions from the text. Use them to make predictions about the story.

  • But who or what was behind it?
  • How could they sneak into children’s bedrooms without being seen?
  • And what could they possibly want with all those teeth…?

3. Read the following description of Miss Root and use it to draw a picture of her. I can't wait to see your illustrations, please email them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Monday 30th March

Happy Monday Nightingales! I hope you had a lovely weekend. I'm looking forward to another week of your learning updates. Don't forget your daily reading, I have updated the books for each book band. Miss you all!

  • Word of the day: snatched

Def: taken quickly or suddenly


Word class:



  • Spelling: Year 3/4 spellings

interest, knowledge, learn, notice, quarter, straight, remember, special, surprise, weight

Practise the eight words using look, cover, write, check. Find the full Y3/4 spelling list here (or in your diary and home learning pack).

  • English task:

This week, to accompany our topic work, we are going to work on a section of a book you might be familiar with:

'Demon Dentist- David Walliams'

Consider the words in the title, the images on the cover and anything you already know about David Walliams as an author. If you haven't already read it , make a prediction about the book.

Now complete a 'See, Think, Wonder' activity about the following image, just like we do in class:


What can you see and what clues does that give you about the story?


Text-to-Text Connections: Does it remind you of another book/ movie?

Text-to-Self Connection: Does it remind you of an experience you've had?

Text-to-World Connections: Does it remind you of a 'real world' event?


What questions do you have?

Friday 27th March

Happy Friday Nightingales!

I hope you are all okay. It has been a very different week getting used to our new normal, I miss teaching you all but it has been lovely to get your email updates and photos.

  • Word of the day: sensational

Def: very impressive or attractive


Word class:



  • Spelling: 'ch' as a 'k' sound

Ask someone to test you on your spellings today. They can choose 2 mystery words from your Year 3/4 spelling list like I do. Please email me your spelling score to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

  • English task:

Read the extract from Matilda below (pg 218) and complete the questions.

  1. What do you think ‘out for the count’ means?
  2. Find and copy a word that means ‘grabbed’.
  3. Let’s make some inferences. Use the text to think about what the character’s are thinking and feeling at this moment:
  4. Why did the man say “Congratulations, Miss. Honey!” when he saw Miss. Trunchbull?
  5. Write some adjectives (click for ideas) to describe how each of these characters are feeling during this extract: Use some from the text and some of your own.
  • Matilda-
  • Miss. Honey-
  • Miss. Trunbull-
  • The Matron-

Don’t forget capital letters and full stops- imagine me telling you all to get your green pens out and read it back.

Thursday 26th March

Happy Thursday Nightingales!

I hope you are all okay. School was very quiet yesterday without most of you! I hope you had some chance to enjoy the sunshine (either from a window or garden). Let's make the most of the little things.

  • Word of the day: hysterical

Def: wild and uncontrollable


Word class:



  • Spelling: 'ch' as a 'k' sound

anchor, school, chemist, monarch, orchestra, technology, stomach, mechanic

CRACK THE CODE: Which of your spellings are written below?

Have a go at writing some codes for the other spellings.

  • English task:

Read the extract from Matilda below (pg 214) and complete the tasks.

Now we know why Matilda wanted to know what Miss. Honey’s father was called and why she had been practising her power so much!

Remember when I asked you to think about what you would do if you had Matilda’s magic powers and could move something without touching it. Now I want you to write a story about it.

Your story must include (click on each for help):

Here is my WAGOLL:

“Happy Thursday!” I beamed at the class of delightful, smiling children.

“Happy Thursday!” They chorused back.

I was sitting with some children reading their books, but the rest of the class were ready to mark their work. This was my chance! Concentrating fiercely on the marker pen, I summoned up all my strength. The tiny arms behind my eyes started to make the whiteboard pen wiggle ever so slightly. It felt as though my eyes were shooting electricity, sparks flying across the classroom. Floating like a graceful, glistening butterfly through the air, the pen reached the board and started to scribble the answers. Gobsmacked, the children erupted into hysterical shrieks and giggles. “Miss. Goodwin! The pen is moving by itself!” Allivia gasped excitedly.

“It’s a ghost!” Frankie shrieked.

If the children knew, they would ask me to move things every day. I had to keep my powers secret because it was too exhausting.

Don’t forget capital letters and full stops- imagine me telling you all to get your green pens out and read it back.

I can’t wait to read your ideas, be creative! Please send them to mgoodwin@birklandsschool.co.uk

Wednesday 25th March

Happy Wednesday Year 3!

I hope you are all okay. I am in school today teaching some of you, I bet it is going to be really quiet without you all! Remember to keep up with your daily reading and write it in your diary. I'm challenging myself to see how many books I can read before we're back at school.

  • Word of the day: encounter

Def: meet someone unexpectedly


Word class:



  • Spelling: 'ch' as a 'k' sound

Correct the spellings in these sentences:

  1. I go to skool every weekday.
  2. My stumach is hurting.
  3. I need to take my car to the mekanik.

Can you write sentences for the other words? anchor, chemist, monarch, orchestra, technology

  • English task:

Read the extract from Matilda below (pg 210) and complete the tasks.

1. Watch this video to learn about similes and metaphors.

2. ‘She has muscles like steel ropes’ is a simile. Write a simile for each of these characters:

  • Matilda
  • Miss. Honey
  • Miss. Trunchbull
  • Mr. Wormwood

E.g. Miss. Honey’s voice was sweet like icing.

As powerful as a raging bull, Miss. Trunchbull charged towards Matilda.

3. ‘They had learnt about this tigress by now.’ This is a metaphor. Why do you think Roald Dahl describes Miss. Trunchbull as a ‘tigress’?

4. Write whether each sentence is a simile or a metaphor:

  • Miss. Goodwin is as graceful as a ballerina. (Don't laugh!)
  • Year three are shining stars.
  • The lake is a mirror of beauty.
  • The snuggly bed was like a soft marshmallow.

5. Take the quiz to test your knowledge about similes and metaphors.

6. Have a go at writing some similes and metaphors about things that you can see around you.

E.g. I am surrounded by a sea of papers.

Tuesday 24th March

Happy Tuesday Nightingales!

I hope you are all okay, it was lovely to see some of your work on Matilda yesterday. I'm so glad we get to finish the book together (read or listen), you just have to imagine my silly shouting voice for Miss. Trunchbull. Keep up the amazing work!

  • Word of the day: colossal

Def: extremely large or great


Word class:



  • Spelling: 'ch' as a 'k' sound

anchor, school, chemist, monarch, orchestra, technology, stomach, mechanic

Use the pyramid strategy to practise the trickiest words.

  • English task:

Read the extract from Matilda below (pg 208) and complete the tasks.

1. Write down any words that need clarifying and have a go at writing a definition. You could use a dictionary, read the other words around it to help or ask someone.

2. Watch this video about adverbs. Write down the adverbs you can find in this extract. (An adverb tells us how, where or when something is done/felt).

3. Add an adverb/s to these sentences:

  • Miss. Honey spoke to the class.
  • Miss. Trunchbull charged down the corridor of the school.
  • The children cheered Bruce Bogtrotter as he finished the last slice.
  • The TV blared, distracting Matilda from reading her book.

4. Re-write two sentences and have a go at moving the adverb to a different place.

E.g. Miss. Honey spoke softly to the class.

Softly, Miss. Honey spoke to the class.

Miss. Honey spoke to the class softly.

Monday 23rd March

Happy Monday Nightingales!

I hope you are all okay, I am going to miss your Monday smiles. Happy learning!

As we did not get to finish the book in class, English will focus on 'Matilda' for the next couple of weeks. You can read it here and listen to it here.

  • Word of the day: essential

Def: extremely important or necessary


Word class:



  • Spelling: 'ch' as a 'k' sound

anchor, school, chemist, monarch, orchestra, technology, stomach, mechanic

Practise the eight spellings using look, cover, write, check.

  • English task:

Read the extract from Matilda below (pg 205) and answer the questions.

1. Do you think Matilda was shocked to be home alone? Use the text to explain your answer.

2. Find and copy the word that means 'difficult'.

3. What two things would help Matilda to 'succeed' in her plan?

4. 'The cigar was essential.' Write a synonym for the word 'essential' in this sentence.

5. Create a role on the wall for 'Matilda'. Think about everything we have read about her so far. What does she look like? What kind of person is she? What is she good/ not good at?

Here is a WAGOLL:

July 2024


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[ARCHIVED] Year 3 - Siskin News

  • Junior School Councillors
    Congratulations to Hugo and Bella, who have been elected as Siskin's school councillors. (30/09/2020)

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