
As we are currently in an unusual and uncertain time, it is extra important that we are kind to our mind.

I will be uploading activities on this page throughout the school closure to help us to stay positive and spread happiness!

'Rain before Rainbows' - Smriti Halls & David Litchfield

Click here to read a beautiful story about resillience. After rain we have rainbows, after clouds we have sun! We have to keep going through harder more difficult times and better days will come.

A pep talk for you!

I just wanted to remind you all that you're all heroes.

Don't believe me? Listen to our favourite Kid President. Who else do you think needs to hear this today? Show your grown ups that they are heroes too, you could also show them some of our other favourite Kid President videos.

"You have everything that you need to make someone's day more awesome!"

The power of Kindness Calendar

I know that you love to spread kindness. It is so important to be kind to ourself, as well as other people.

Click the image below to download your acts of kindness calendar- today is the first day of May so it's a great day to start. How are you going to be kind every day? Let me know! I am going to see how many smiles I can pass on.

The Book of Hopes

Click the link to find a beautiful collection of poetry and short stories to "comfort, inspire and entertain children in lockdown"

'Coronavirus- A book for children'

This is a FREE digital information book for primary school age children to help explain the coronavirus and the measures taken to control it. It answers lots of questions in a child-friendly way, and aims to both inform and reassure.

Click here for the 'Children's guide to Coronavirus'. Watch this video for some great information too.

These are extremely helpful to ease children's worries.

Click here for a 'Feel good booklet' from Action for Children.

The booklet is full of activities to support your wellbeing at this uncertain time, they would make great brain breaks!

Mini missions

Create a treasure box, Harry Potter spell or invent a monster! If you need some inspiration, Boden have lots of mini missions to keep you busy and having fun. I think I am going to do the 'bake a cake mission' this weekend. (Click here)

'Rainbows'- Millie James

We're very proud of you for writing such a beautiful poem Millie.

Image preview

'The Rainbow Children'- Gemma Peacock

The history books will talk of now,

That time the world stood still.

When every family stayed at home,

Waved out from windowsills

At those they loved but could not hold,

Because they loved them so.

Yet, whilst they did they noticed all the flowers start to grow.

The sun came out, they can recall,

And windows, rainbows filled.

They kicked a football in their yards,

Until the night drew in.

They walked each day but not too close,

That time the world stood still.

When people walked straight down the roads,

That once the cars did fill.

They saw that people became ill,

They knew the world was scared.

But whilst the world stood still they saw,

How much the whole world cared.

They clapped on Thursdays from their doors,

They cheered for the brave.

For people who would risk their lives,

So others could be saved.

The schools closed down, they missed their friends,

They missed their teachers so.

Their Mam’s and Dad’s helped with their work,

They helped their minds to grow.

The parents used to worry that,

As schools were put on hold,

Their children wouldn’t have the tools,

They’d need as they grew old.

But history books will talk of them,

Now adults, fully grown.

Those little boys and girls back then,

The ones who stayed at home.

They'll tell you that they fixed this world,

Of all they would fulfill.

The RAINBOW children building dreams,

They'd dreamed whilst time stood still.

Time capsule

At the moment we are experiencing something that will go down in history! People are going to look back on this time and I hope that, even though it is all strange, you look back on it with fond memories. Let's capture those memories, create an easy time capsule like this one.

Wish Jar

Here is something that you may want to set up for you and your family...

Each time you, or one of your family members, wishes that they could do something, go somewhere, treat themselves, see someone they love, visit a new place or invite someone to visit , write it down on a piece of paper and pop it in the jar!

When our lives return to normal, you will have a 'bucket list' which you will be able to work through. In turn, you will be more grateful than ever for the little things that we often take for granted. Until then, enjoy watching your jar fill up with your wishes to look forward to!


I always find that doodling helps me switch off for a minute. Why not try this 'Mindful drawing month'? It's also a great chance to practise some new drawing skills. It doesn't matter what you draw or whether you think it looks 'good' just put pencil to paper.

Counting blessings!

What are you grateful for?

I would like you to write 10 things that you are grateful for! We need to remember to take pleasure in the littlest of things. Here's mine (in no particular order):

1. Sunshine

2. My family, friends and dogs (do they all count as one?)

3. Music

4. Key workers

5. Chocolate

6. Having clean water

7. My comfy bed

8. My wonderful job (and still being able to teach you!)

9. Daffodils

10. Joe Wicks workouts

Wellbeing Wednesday

The Art of Brilliance are putting wellbeing lessons on their youtube channel (click here) every Wednesday at 10am. They want to keep spirits up by coming up with ways to spread some positivity and help keep minds busy with ‘good stuff’. They describe it as 'like Netflix, but for wellbeing'.

Keep Active- PE with Jo Wicks

Starting Monday 23rd March Joe Wicks is going to be hosting free workouts for children on his YouTube channel. With school being closed it is important for children to keep moving and stay healthy and positive. You don't need any equipment, just tune into his YouTube channel at 9am each morning for 30 minute, fun workout.

I have also included lots of links to websites that will help you keep active (on the links page).


Dedicating a couple of quiet minutes to just breathing each day can calm your mind. Remember you can still practise your Take 5 whilst you are at home!

July 2024


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[ARCHIVED] Year 3 - Siskin News

  • Junior School Councillors
    Congratulations to Hugo and Bella, who have been elected as Siskin's school councillors. (30/09/2020)

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