Topic work

Our 'trip' to London

In our 'Why do people prefer urban living?' topic we have been exploring Warsop, London and Whitby to compare rural, coastal and urban living in geography.

We had so much fun exploring the landmarks of the capital city on our open-top 'Birklands Tours' bus. Some of our favourites were the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and Piccadilly Circus.

We even had chance to stop at The Savoy for a spot of cream tea (socially distanced of course)!

In art we focused on one major landmark- Elizabeth Tower. Did you know that Big Ben is actually the name of the bell?

Wonderful Warsop

During our topic work comparing urban, coastal and rural life, we looked a little closer at our hometown Warsop and it's human and physical geographical features. We presented our learning in promotional travel videos and also created travel guide powerpoints. You can see some of our powerpoints by clicking on the images below.

Science experiments

Plant dissections

We dissected chrysanthemums today in our laboratory, exploring the parts of a flowering plant. We identified the stamen, anther, stigma, style, ovary, filament and petal. Did you know the petals are bright and colourful to attract insects and bees?

Celery investigation

In the Siskin Science Lab we have been learning about how plants transport water. Inside the stem of plants there are little tubes called xylem which are like tiny straws taking in the water from the soil for plants. You can see them in the photos below from our expirment- the food colouring dyed the xylem (the tiny dots).

July 2024


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[ARCHIVED] Year 3 - Siskin News

  • Junior School Councillors
    Congratulations to Hugo and Bella, who have been elected as Siskin's school councillors. (30/09/2020)

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