Information and Dates

Forthcoming Dates

Key Information


PE will take place each Tuesday and Friday. Please make sure children come to school in their PE kits on these days. The kit consists of plimsolls or trainers, black shorts and a white t-shirt. When the weather gets colder, please ensure your child has leggings or jogging bottoms and a fleece or hoodie.



Homework will be sent out every Thursday and should be handed in by the following Tuesday. Homework will link to the objectives covered in school each week, to help consolidate our learning.



Our weekly spelling test takes place every Friday. Children write their spellings in their reading diaries on Mondays to allow practise time at home.



Children are expected to read at least three times a week at home. Regular reading is essential for developing children’s vocabulary and skills in reading, writing and spelling. If you read with your child at home, please sign their reading diary. If your child reads to themselves, please remind them that they can sign their own reading diary. Children are to bring their reading books and diaries into school everyday.

Reading incentive

Children that read at least five times a week will receive a ticket to go into a prize draw and those children who are successful will receive a special treat from Miss Watson in Friday's special assesmbly.


Times Tables

Children need a secure knowledge of number facts, we believe that the more we practise the better we get - therefore, we recommend children practise their times table facts as much as possible. This can be done in many different ways, but our favourite is Times Table Rockstars. You can find login details in your child's reading diary.

June 2024


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