Welcome to Robin Class

Welcome to the Robin Class Page

Our class teacher is Miss Stretton and our teaching assistants are Miss Ward and Miss Parkin. Miss Lounds is Puffin class teacher. Please do not hesitate to come and ask us any questions.

Here are some photos of our classroom. Each week, the areas of the classroom are enhanced with activities linked to the book that we are reading or the topic for the half-term.

Daily Routine

The school day starts at 8:45am. The front gates will open at 8:35am and children are welcome to help themselves to a bagel before the start of the school day. All children will line up together at 8:45am and go into school, where the school day will commence. Collection is at 3:10pm.

School Day

The school day starts at 8:45am. First, we have the register, talk about the calendar/weather and look at 'Who is here today'. We then have our daily phonics session followed by learning through play and reading groups. After this, we have a snack and sing rhymes and songs as part of our daily 'Rhyme Time'. Following this is outside time. When the children come back in to class, we do 'Take 5' followed by Literacy. Lunch is from 11:55am until 12:40pm. After lunch, it is Maths. We then have milk and outside time, followed by Topic and story time before the end of the school day at 3:10pm. There are lots of opportunities throughout the day for the children to learn through play and access the classroom provision.


In Reception class, children wear a full school uniform. Please ensure that uniform has their name in. Please contact the school office if you have any queries about uniform.

P.E. days will be confirmed over the coming weeks; the children are expected to come into school in their PE Kit on these days. There will be no PE during Week 1 (week commencing 04/09/23). It is important children come to school in correct PE kit on these days. PE Kit includes black shorts or grey/black joggers, a white/burgundy t-shirt and black plimsolls or trainers.

Daily Reading

We need your support! Please read with your child every day and write it in their reading diary. Please ensure that your child brings their reading book into school each and every day for group and independent reading sessions.


Remember to login to Tapestry to see what your child has been doing at school. Please put your own observations on too; it would be amazing to see all the brilliant learning and exciting things that your child does whilst at home!!

July 2024


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