Summer 1


Texts we have read this half term

Week 1: Rumble in the Jungle - Giles Andreae

Week 2: Giraffes can't Dance - Giles Andreae

Week 3: The Very Hungry Caterpillar - Eric Carle

Week 4: Superworm - Julia Donaldson

Week 5: Dinosaurs Love Underpants - Claire Freedman

Week 6: Stomp Dinosaur Stomp - Margaret Mayo & Alex Aycliffe

“Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” –George Eliot

As we begin our learning about animals we explored Rumble in the Jungle. This book is an open invitation for young children to enter the world of the jungle and experience this wonderful collection of animal poems. It introduced us to all types of jungle animals and was a fun way to begin understanding the animal's habitats and environments. We did some size ordering in maths using our jungle animals.

We then moved to focus on our next text which was Giraffes Cant Dance. The moral of this story is that everyone is different and has their own way of doing things. It’s a great book for young children that encourages them to think about diversity, tolerance, and respect. We explored ways in which we were all special and all of the amazing things we are good at and even talked about not being good at something and knowing that that is ok! We can't be the best at everything! We even made some of our very own instruments too.

We started to look at mini beasts as our next category of animals. Of course, we read one of our favourite stories, the Very Hungry Caterpillar. We talked about life cycles and how every animal changes and grows as they age. We talked about human life cycles too and that we can grow up and have our own families one day if we wish to! The children then had the full taste test experience of being a very hungry Wren. We ate what the caterpillar ate and Miss Kennerley even said that the children had to eat a leaf at the end because the caterpillar did (don't worry it was salad!).

As well as having an amazing time taste testing we had a visit from Dr Stu from Meet the Beasts, he brought with him lots of different animals for us to meet and learn about. Miss Kennerley LOVED meeting Jeff the snake the best! We have lots of pictures in our Gallery - Click here to go to our Meet the Beasts Gallery

We continued to learn all about mini beasts by reading our next text, Superworm. We really enjoyed this and we know that it is one of Miss Cox's favourite stories. We did lots of collage, we learned about what worms do in our soil. We built our very own wormery!

Dinosaur love underpants was our next book which we really enjoyed. The children joined in by finding out all of the names of the dinosaurs and what they liked to eat. Whether they ate meat or ate plants. We talked all about our favourite dinosaur and why, pointing out features and using lots of descriptive language. We explored the dinosaurs on our dino-world tuff spot.

To finish off our learning this half term we read the book Dinosaur Stomp. We loved the rhythmic way this book can be read and really enjoyed this book for the descriptive language. We also found an egg!!! A giant egg that we had to predict what was going to come out of. To do this we had to conduct interviews around the school for evidence and piece it all together. Miss Kennerley found a video of a T-Rex in our garden!

At the end of the week, we had a very special visitor. Captain Mansfield came all the way from Jurassic Park to show us his dinosaurs! How amazing! Click here to go to our Jurassic Park visit Gallery

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