Spring 2


Texts we have read this half term

Week 1: Jack and the beanstalk

Week 2: The enormous turnip

Week 3: The Tiny Seed - Eric Carle

Week 4: Oliver's Vegetables - Vivian French

Week 5: Farmer Duck - Martin Waddell

Week 6: The Easter Story

“Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime” - Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu (Confucius)

We kicked off our growing topic by looking at the text of Jack and the beanstalk, we had so much fun planting our own bean plants, finding Jack's magic beans, and even exploring the storyline and pondering if Jack was a good character or not... what do you think?

We then looked at the story of the enormous turnip, this text enabled us to look at all of the healthy foods that we can eat that grow in the ground. We used some of these vegetables to make our very own Turnip and carrot soup! Super yum!

We moved on to learn all about seeds and where they come from, in the text "the Tiny Seed" we followed the seed's journey from floating in the air to rooting and finally growing into the most beautiful sunflower. we did some of our very own collage art and explored the seeds and their origins in our tuff spot. We had a very special visit from Mrs Streets who did an amazing Drama session with us - Click here to go to the Drama with Mrs Streets Gallery

We then started to look at what we can do with all of the seeds we have found, we read the story of Oliver's Vegetables. Do you like chips? Oliver does. In fact, he won't eat anything else - until he plays a game with his grandpa. Whatever vegetable Oliver finds in the garden, he must eat. On Monday, he pulls up carrots, on Tuesday, it is spinach.. and each time he pulls up a vegetable he tries it and LIKES IT!!! We tried lots of different fruits and vegetables to try and see if we could find something new we liked.

We then moved on to explore where OUR food comes from. We talked about when we buy things from the supermarket that a farmer will have grown the produce and then sent it for us to buy. The children were very eager to find out about things that we could grow ourselves. Miss Kennerley brought in some tomato starter plants from her Mummy's home and we planted those so we would be able to watch them grow.

To finish off this half term we celebrated Easter! We did lots and lots of Easter crafts, learned all about the meaning of Easter to Christians, and had a sneaky visit from the Easter bunny! We learned that the egg represents new life and talked about this being the start of spring and all of the new life in the world right now. We have lots of pictures in our Easter Gallery - Click here to go to our Easter 2022 Gallery

June 2024


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