Home Learning

Home Learning


Birklands school prides itself on its focus on reading, we have developed a 100 books scheme that children can access. On a Friday children will have the opportunity to choose a new book from the collection and take it home for a week to share with their families.

It is recommended to read the book more than once. Each time your child reads or hears a book read to them, they learn more about the story itself. Each pass through the text or illustrations allows them to dive deeper into the story's meaning, preparing them for more complex narratives down the road. With fluency and comprehension comes greater reading confidence. Also children often really enjoy reading the book and being able to join in with repeated refrains in the text.

So basically we love to read, read and read some more!!!

Activities - BINGO!

To support home learning Birklands use homework BINGO! Each half term the children will be set a home learning BINGO sheet that has activities that are relevant to their current learning. If your child manages to complete their homework BINGO, Mrs Farr gives them an award! Home learning BINGO sheets can be downloaded from the menu on the right of this page.

In addition to this, I may ask the children to practice a certain aspect of their learning at home if I feel they need it. I would always relay this to the parent/guardian and offer support or resources if needed. Often this may include using scissors or holding a pencil a certain way, recognising numbers, or writing their name. Support from home is invaluable and I appreciate any support you can offer to help your child to achieve!

June 2024


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