Welcome to Jay

Hello, welcome to Jay Class!

I am Miss Lounds (Class teacher) and am delighted to be working with Year 1 this year.

Please click here to access the information that was shared during the 'Meet the Teacher' meeting.


Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct uniform. Here is the uniform that children at Birkands are expected to wear: white shirt or white / burgundy polo shirt, burgundy cardigan / sweatshirt or fleece, black or grey shorts, skirts, trousers or pinafore dresses/burgundy gingham summer dresses, black shoes - no trainers.

If you have any questions about uniform then please come and ask.


Children are expected to read fives times a week at home. Children will be given a book that is matched to their phonics level. In addition to this, children will be given a '100 book to read by the end of Y2'. These books will be changed each week. When your child has read, can you or your child please record this in their reading diary.


PE will be taught on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Can children please come in their PE kit on these days. Black shorts / grey / black joggers, white / burgundy t-shirt (no logos) and trainers. If your child's hair is long, can you please tie it up and if your child is wearing earrings can you take these out if possible, if not, please tape ears.

Dates to add to your diary

Phonics Meeting - Tuesday 24th September 2024 at 2:30pm

Harvest Festival at Church - Thursday 3rd October at 9:30am

Jay Class Libary visit - Friday 4th October

KS1 Nativity morning performance - Tuesday 3rd December at 2pm.

KS1 Nativity afternoon performance - Wednesday 4th December at 9:45am.

Christmas Fair - Wednesday 4th December after school.

Christmas service at the Church - Tuesday 10th December.

Bring your grown up to school - Tuesday 10th December at 2:15pm

Jay (Year 1)

March 2025


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