It has been lovely to welcome the children back this week and see them so enthusiastic with their learning. We have a few messages to pass on to you.
As you are all aware, Birkands School is situated in a residential area. Please be mindful of this when you park to drop off/pickup your children. Do not block drives, even if it is ‘just for a few minutes’. Residents need to be able to get in and out of their properties at any time. They too have to go to work, take children to school and attend medical appointments.
Please be aware that our uniform policy states that one small pair of stud earrings may be worn in school. Hoop earrings or other piercings are not permitted. Children should be able to remove their earrings for PE. No other jewellery is permitted, however watches are allowed.
A little reminder that the price of a school meal has increased this term to £2.40 per day. This works out at £12 per week. If you pay by Squid, this will have been adjusted automatically. If you pay for school meals via the school bank account, please ensure you pay the correct amount.
We will be having a special meal next Thursday 20th January. Children can enjoy one of their favourites - bangers and mash with a giant yorkshire pud! Dessert will be chocolate cake. Vegetarian option and jacket potatoes will still be available.
The menu for this half term is on the school website under ‘School Dinners’. The menu will change after February half term and we will send out the new menu nearer the time.
We are finding that a small number of children are consistently arriving late for school. The school gates are open from 8.35am for children to go straight up to their classrooms. The school day starts promptly at 8.45am and teachers plan for learning to start at this time.
Please ensure that we have your most up-to-date contact details. If you change your phone number or move house, please let us know straight away as it is important that we have the correct information on file in case we need to contact you in an emergency. As you are also aware, we use text messages as a way of communicating things that are happening in school.
Sadly, this horrid virus is still with us and there are certain things we have kept in place in an attempt to avoid an outbreak and lower transmission. We have listed these below:
Our latest risk assessment can be found on our school website.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT