A big thank you to everyone for getting involved with World Book Day. We had some fantastic costumes in school and some brilliant creations with the potato competition. All children have been issued with a token that can be exchanged for one of the books listed or used towards purchasing any other book. Please encourage your children to choose a book.
Competition winners have been chosen and prizes will be given out next week.
Many parents have asked how we can help the people of Ukraine during this difficult time. The advice from charities is that money is needed rather than donations of toys etc. Here is the link to the Red Cross Appeal if you wish to donate https://www.redcross.org.uk/about-us/what-we-do/international/ukraine or the Disasters Emergency Committee https://www.dec.org.uk/appeal/ukraine-humanitarian-appeal.
This is happening next week (w/c 7th March). Children will the opportunity to hear from adults with a range of different jobs such as a Journalist, a Marketing Manager, a Quality Compliance Engineer and a Robotics expert!
Hopefully this will get them thinking about what sort of careers are available to them and give them some inspiration to explore different career paths.
This is taking place on Friday 18th March. The children will be involved in lots of exciting events. Red noses are on order! As soon as they arrive, we will let you know. More information will come out nearer the time
We have decided to continue with children wearing PE kits on their PE days. Please ensure that children are in school on these days wearing the correct kit.
We expect all pupils to wear black/burgundy shorts, grey/black joggers/leggings and a white/burgundy t-shirt for their PE lessons. If hair is long enough to be tied up it should be on PE days please. Uniform should be plain and should not include prints or logos or different colours. It is not an excuse for a non-uniform day!
If your child has head lice, please ensure that they are treated before coming into school. More information on how to spot them and how to treat them can be found here https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/head-lice-and-nits/
We have had several parents commenting on the long queues in a morning whilst waiting for the school gates to open.
For some time time now, the gates have been opened at 8.35am. This allows 10 minutes for children to come into school and get into their classroom in time for their learning to start at 8.45am. There is no need to arrive at school before 8.35am. As you are aware, we do not have a lot of space outside the school gate so arriving too early creates congestion.
A reminder also that it is illegal to park on the zig zags outside school unless you have a blue badge. Please DO NOT drop your children off here. This space is to make sure that your children are protected outside the gates and to keep vehicles away from this area. Please also be mindful of our neighbours and ensure that you park considerately and do not block drives.
When earrings are worn in school, they must be small, round studs. No other jewellery is permitted. If your child cannot take these out for PE, then they should be taped up in the morning.
Train to teach with the Nottinghamshire Torch SCITT